Baum, L. Frank. The Wizard of Oz. New York: Grosset & Dunlap, 1963.


Barna, George. A Fish Out of Water. Nashville: Integrity Publishers, 2002.


Baur, Walter. “Exousia.” in A Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament, 2d ed.,
        Translated by William R. Arndt and F. Wilbur Gingrich.  Chicago: The University

        of Chicago Press, 1979.


Blackaby, Henry T. Created to be God’s Friend. Nashville: Thomas Nelson Publishers,      1999.


Bonhoeffer, Dietrich. Life Together. San Francisco: Harper and Row, 1954


Briscoe, Stuart. Vital Truths to Shape Your Life. Wheaton, Ill: Tyndale House Publishers,   2001.


Chapman, Gary. The Five Love Languages. Chicago: Northfield Publishing, 1995.

Chapman, Gary. The Five Love Languages of Teenagers. Chicago: Northfield

Publishing, 2000.


Covey, Stephen R. The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. New York: Simon &

        Schuster, 1989.


Cushman, Donald P. Communication in Interpersonal Relationships. Albany, NY: State

        University of New York Press, 1985.


Fee, Gordon D. God’s Empowering Presence: The Holy Spirit in the Letters of Paul.
       Peabody, MA: Hendrickson Publishers, 1994.


Goldstein, Arnold P. Reducing Resistance. Champaign, IL: Research Press, 2001.


Haugk, Kenneth C. Antagonists in the Church: How to Identify and Deal with 
        Destructive Behavior
. Minneapolis: Augsburg Publishing House, 1988.


Hauerwas, Stanley. A Better Hope: Resources for Confronting Capitalism, Democracy, and Post-Modernity. Grand Rapids: Brazos Press, 2000.


Hinson, Glenn. Spiritual Preparation for Christian Leadership. Nashville: Upper Room

        Books, 1999.


Hobbs, Hershel. The Baptist Faith and Message, rev. ed. Nashville: Convention Press,



Hughes, Theodore E, and David Klein. A Family Guide to Wills, Funerals and Probate.
        New York: Checkmark Books, 2001.


Jaffe , Dennis T. and Cynthia D. Scott Managing Change at Work. Menlo Park, CA:         Crisp Publications, Inc., 1989.


Kotter, John P. Leading Change. Boston: Harvard Business School Press, 1996.


Kouzes, James, and Barry Posner. The Leadership Challenge. San Francisco: Jossey

Bass, 1995.


Lawson, Stephen J. Made in Our Image. Sisters, OR: Multnomah Publishers, 2000.


Geoghegan, Jeffrey, and Michael Homan. The Bible for Dummies. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley

Publishing, 2003.


London, H. B, and Neil B. Wiseman. The Heart of a Great Pastor. Ventura: Regal  

       Books, 1994.


Martin, Steve. Pure Drivel. New York: Hyperion, 1998.


May, Rollo. Man’s Search for Himself. New York: Dell Publishing, 1973.


McIntosh, Gary L. One Church, Four Generations. Grand Rapids: Baker Books, 2002.


McManus, Erwin Raphael. An Unstoppable Force. Loveland, CO: Group Publishing,



Morenstern, Julie. Time Management from the Inside Out. New York: Henry Holt and       Company, 2000.


Myers, Isabel Briggs. Introduction to Type. 5th ed., Revised by Linda K. Kirby and

        Katharine D. Myers. Palo Alto, Ca: Consulting Psychologists Press, 1993.


Nowery, Kirk. The Stewardship of Life. Camarillo, CA: Spire Resources, Inc., 2004.


Richardson Ronald W. Creating a Healthier Church. Minneapolis: Augsburg Press, 1996.


Robinson, Darrell W. People Sharing Jesus. Nashville: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1995.


Robinson, Darrell W. Total Church Life. Nashville: Broadman Press, 1993.


Schaller, Lyle E. The Interventionist. Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1997.


Schwarz, Christian J. Natural Church Development.


Schweer, G. William. Personal Evangelism for Today. Nashville: Broadman Press, 1984.


Steere, Douglas V. On Listening to Another. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1955, 20-24.

        Quoted in E. Glenn Hinson, Spiritual Preparation for Christian Leadership, 50-51.

        Nashville: Upper Room Books, 1999.


Stott, John R. W. Christian Mission in the Modern World. Downers Grove, Ill:

Intervarsity Press, 1975.

Stott, John R. W. The Contemporary Christian. Downers Grove, Ill: 1992.


Sweet, Leonard. Faithquakes. Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1994.


Twain, Mark. The Adventures of Huckelberry Finn. New York: Harper & Row,

        Publishers, 1965.                                    

Warren, Rick. The Purpose Driven Church. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1995.


Wilkinson, Bruce. The Dream Giver. Sisters, OR: Multnomah Publishers, 2003.




Quoteable quotes:


Dietrich Bonhoeffer. Life Together. San Francisco: Harper and Row, 1954.


“God hates visionary dreaming; it makes the dreamer proud and pretetsious. The man who fashions a visionary ideal of community demand that it be realized by God, by others, and by himself. He enter he community of Christians with his demands, sets up his own law, and judges the brethren and God Himself accordingly. He stands adamant, a living reproach to all others in the circle of brethren. He acts as if he is the creator of the Christian community, as if his dream binds men together. When things do not go his way, he calls the effort a failure. When his ideal picture is destroyed, he sees the community going to smash. So he becomes, first an accuser of his brethren an accuser of God, and finally the despairing accuser of himself.”  (27-8)


James Emery White Life-Defining Moments. Colorado Springs: Waterbrook Press, 2001.


Every life is defined by two movements of time, but most of us are aware only of one. We are born, we live, and we die. That is our lifetime. The Bible soberly notes that we are promised three scored years and ten, and those boundaries have et to be moved with an great success.

There is, however, another great sweep of time that transcend the limits of hours or days….Beyond the time that defines the parameters of a life, there is a time that defines the outcome of a life.


This reality was better understood by the ancient Greeks than by us moderns. Beyond having a word for the common passage of time, chronos, form which we get our word chronological,” they made use of another term, kairos, for which we have no counterpart in the English language. Kairos speaks to the quality and content of time itself, independent of its actual length…..Kairos is time filled with opportunity, a moment pregnant with eternal significance and possibility. It is a point of time that demand action, a space of time in which life-determining decisions are made. (3)


Stuart Briscoe. Vital Truths to Shape Your Life. Wheaton, Ill: Tyndale House Publishers, 2001.

“Perhaps God’s people can speak out winsomely and compellingly and cast some sweetness and cast some light on the troubled waters of our culture’s values.” (20)

  (When our topics hit on euthanasia, gay, lesbian, transgender, abortion, etc.)


Leonard Sweet. Faithquakes. Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1994.

“An AncientFuture Faith is as much remembered as it is imagined. If postmodern means anything, it means a new openness to the past and to the authority of tradition in the future. It was the Modern era that thought it was the only age to know anything. Memory provides identity. Loss of memory means loss of identity, perhaps the most serious outcome of the modernization of religion.  


Hence, AncientFuture. Time moves backwards as well as forward—as we recognize he future in the past, and he pastness of the present. An AncientFuture faith yokes yesterday to today trough a future filled with with new-old thinking, living, and moving.   (19)               --collide old-fashionedness with new-fangledness.—


“In the modern era the arts were demoted in favor of the sciences and other industrial and military spheres of endeavor. Now even theologians are proposing that theology works better as an art than as the “science” or “history” it often became in the modern era. Those who actually do theology are the true artists and artisans—those who create not only for pleasure but for use.”(92)


“Stop trying to be everything to everybody, and carve a niche for your church from your surroundings. Target the audience God is calling you to serve,  contextualize your ministries and functions to this audience, and be faithful to this mission. No church, no community can meet all the needs of any community. No church, no community can write a formulaic “how-to” program that will work across the board. Every target audience must write its own formulas.

Thriving Christians become sensitive to the needs of the culture that gives them shelter and the needs of individuals both within and without shelter. After all, the only alternative to a needed ministry—a ministry to the needs people have in their lives—in an unneeded ministry.” (90)

Art Buchwald: “Whether these are the worst of times or the best of times, they are the only times we have.”


Henry Blackaby. Created to be God’s Friend. Nashville: Thomas Nelson Publishers,        1999.
To have urgency will bring a willingness to obey God quickly. To know that what is done with God will last gives urgency to setting priorities and living with intentional focus and certainly not to waste live or to live life carelessly.” (8)

Jurgen Moltmann: “The present time of believers is no longer determined by the past. It takes its definition from the future.”


Gary Chapman. The Five Love Languages of Teenagers. Chicago: Northfield

Publishing, 2000.

 “Allowing the teen to sit with friends rather than family at the theatre or church, if accompanied by an expression of love, is a way of both affirming independence and meeting the teen’s need for love.” (163-64)

The behavioral characteristics which accompany the teens search for independence normally cluster around the following areas:

The desire for personal space, emotional space, social independence, intellectual independence. (165-178)

“Creating an atmosphere where their teenagers can develop social, intellectual, and emotional independence is one of the parents’ greatest gifts to teenagers.” (178)


George Barna. A Fish Out of Water. Nashville: Integrity Publishers, 2002.

“Leading for the applause of the world is about gaining popularity, making money, taking over the market share, leaving a legacy. Leading for God is about obedience to his vision and principles.” (191)


John R. W. Stott. Christian Mission in the Modern World. Downers Grove, Ill: Intervarsity Press, 1975.
 “The historical Christ is the contemporary Christ. In New Testament terms, the fundamental affirmation is that “Jesus is Lord.’. . .it is an essentially Christian affirmation, for no one can make it but by the illumination of the Holy Spirit.”

(49) cf. 1 Cor. 12:3


“It comes more natural for us to shout the gospel  at people from a distance than to involve ourselves deeply in their lives, to think ourselves into their culture  and their problems, and to feel with them in their pains. Yet this implication of the Lord’s example is inescapable.” (25)


“Our personal witness does indeed corroborate the witness of the biblical authors, especially that of the apostles. But theirs is the primary witness, for they were ‘with Jesus’ and knew him, and they have borne witness to what they heard with their ears and saw with their eyes. Our witness is always secondary to theirs.”   (48)

(fbcgalt: we have the opportunity to quote those primary witnesses, to speak of their accounts and thus express our confidence in the apostolic witness.)

Cynthia D. Scott and Dennis T. Jaffe. Managing Change at Work. Menlo Park, CA: Crisp Publications, Inc., 1989.

Being a leader during change is not easy. Different management skills are needed. Less hands-on control and more “framing” and “bridging” occurs.” (73)

Julie Morenstern. Time Management from the Inside Out. New York: Henry Holt and Company, 2000.

“You can learn some skills and modify some behaviors, but you can’t really change your essence—and you shouldn’t.” (12-13)
likes and dislikes, natural habits, needs, and desires. Time management principles for our 40 Day frame

Geoghegan, Jeffrey, and Michael Homan. The Bible for Dummies. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley Publishing, 2003.

According to the Bible for Dummies, “The word witness, similar to the legal definition, means “to testify.” Yet, because many early Christians experienced severe persecution for their testimony about Jesus, the Greek word for witness—martyros (English “martyr”)—has come to denote someone who dies for his or her beliefs.” (300)


Kirk Nowery. The Stewardship of Life. Camarillo, CA: Spire Resources, Inc., 2004.

“Leading someone to follow Christ wholeheartedly is disciple-making.” (42)
”To make a disciple is to guide a new or immature believer to spiritual maturity.” (42)

In sharing from his ‘stewardship of influence’, Kirk Nowery …that we all influence how others will think, feel, speak, and act. (44-8) “By what you do and say, by how you act and react, by the attitudes you display, others will see Him either honored or dishonored.” (44)


Steve Martin. Pure Drivel New York: Hyperion, 1998.
”Writing is one of the most easy, pain-free, and happy ways to pass the time in all the arts.” (5)


Lyle E. Schaller. The Interventionist. Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1997.

“As the years turn into decades and time passes, internal pressures often force three organizing principles to the top of the congregational agenda. These are to take better care of (1) today’s members, (2) the children of today’s members, and (3) the real estate. That natural, normal, and predictable tendency of institutions to become increasingly self-centered is one of the basic arguments for planting new congregations organized around outreach. That predictable tendency also helps to explain why a higher level of competence is required of the pastor who is asked to “renew” an old established congregation thank is required of the pastor who goes out to plant a new mission.”


Darrell W. Robinson People Sharing Jesus. Nashville: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1995.
“God has empowered each of us with the ability to communicate. We can communicate about Jesus. By listening, creating a rapport, and sharing in a non-threatening way, any Christian can effectively witness.” (3)


G. William Schweer. Personal Evangelism for Today. Nashville: Broadman Press, 1984.

“Modeling must begin with the pastor. Responsibility extends to staff members and other leaders as well, but the pastor’s model is crucial. Since he is chief trainer, results can be meager if he does not demonstrate fruitful evangelism on a consistent basis. The trainees must know that he practices what he preaches and engages in what he teaches. He will take them no farther than he has gone. His teaching must have credibility based on performance.”  (178)


Coach Floyd Eby. Calling God’s Tower…Come In, Please!  Coldwater, MI: Calling God’s Tower Ministries, Inc. 1975.


“The only effective counseling I can offer is to give a person an opportunity to join the family of God then continue to encourage them to grow spiritually, or get close to God, or get to know Him better,  and better, or become a real close friend of Jesus, or increase their faith. If they follow this advice, and live by it regularly and consistently, then God will change their lives and the problems will be shouldered by Jesus.” (211)


Steve J. Lawson Made in Our Image. Sisters, OR: Multnomah Publishers, Inc.  2000.

“Vandalizing God’s image—not with spray cans or permanent markers, but with loose thinking, partial truths, and bad theology—is at the center of every sin.” (32)


Stanley M. Hauerwas

Eliminating People who Suffer?

Stauros' Notebook  Volume 02 Number 5

Sep/Oct, 1983

Stanley M. Hauerwas.

accessed online 


Our need for each other: "The irony is, however, that our neediness is also the source of our greatest strength, for our need requires the cooperation and love of others from which derives our ability not only to live but to flourish. Our identity, far from deriving from our self-possession, or our self-control, comes from being de-possessed of those powers that promise only illusory power. Believing otherwise, fearful of our sense of need, by our attempt to deny our reliance on others, we become all the more subject to those powers."



Turabian examples: (not in my bibliography)


Barone, Terry, ed. Our Mission For a New Millennium: 1998 Book of Reports. Fresno,

        CA: California Southern Baptist Convention, 1998.


Rogers, Adrian. “Baptist Faith and Message.” [article on-line]. Available from Internet; accessed 12 October 2002.


Ancona, Deborah G., Kochan, Scully, Van Maanen, and Westney, eds. Managing For

        The Future: Organizational Behavior and Procedures. Cincinnati: South-Western

        College Publishing, 2001.



De Leon, Joe.  “Count of Churches and Missions in Each Ethnic Group.” Memo

        circulated at Ministry Resource Center, California Southern Baptist Convention,

        Fresno, 10 January 2003.



Poling, Judson. “What Are They Really Asking?” Leadership Journal 29:4 (fall 2002)

        [journal on-line]. Available from

        12.85.Html. Internet; accessed 21 January 2003


Schattenmann, J. “Fellowship.” In The New International Dictionary of New Testament

        Theology, vol. 1.  Edited by Colin Brown. Grand Rapids: Zondervan Publishing

        House, 1975.


Schein, Edgar H. “Organizational Culture.” American Psychologist 45:2 (February,




Thiselton, Anthony C. The First Epistle to the Corinthians. The New International Greek

        Testament Commentary. Grand Rapids: Erdmans Publishing, 2000.



Hays, Richard B. First Corinthians. Interpretation, A Bible Commentary for Teaching

        and Preaching. Louisville: John Knox Press, 1997.


Young’s Literal Translation of the Bible. Electronic Edition STEP Files [CD-ROM].

        Parsons Technology, 1998.


Wetlaufer, Suzy. “Organizing for Empowerment: An Interview with AES’S Roger Sant

        and Dennis Bakke.” Harvard Business Review Jan-Feb 1999 v77 i1 p111(1) [journal

        on-line]. Available from


        aep=csufres_main. Internet; accessed 3 February 2003.