In Focus

So, we
 fix our eyes

not on what is seen but on what is unseen.  For what is seen is temporary but what is unseen is eternal.

 2 Corinthians 4:18

Point to Ponder

MacDonald Wreh
has come to Galt by invitation of the Holy Spirit. Is God calling you to watch the Wonders of God through this humble man's eyes? Check out MacDonald's Daily Journal on our Homepage:



Key Thoughts
the stream of consciousness:

At the Epicenter:

We are learning to share our experiences.

We are learning to share our homes.

We are learning to share life's challenges.

Philippians 4:2 Paul pleads with Euodia and Syntyche to agree with each other in the Lord.

He then asks 'the loyal yokefellow' to
help these women who have both served alongside him in the spread of the gospel.

We each need to be that kind of loyal partner--ready to help restore broken  or damaged relationships for the greater good.

This kind of reflection is what best prepares us to 'take and eat' the Lord's body and to 'drink His blood' in a worthy manner.


The kind of assignments God gives are God-sized.

When God's people and the world see something only God can do, they come to know God.


Obedience is doing what is commanded.


I should obey what I already know to be
God's will.


When God sees I am faithful and obedient in a little, He will be able to trust me with more.


God often gives second chances.


Sometimes He does not give a second chance.


Disobedience is costly.


God is interested in developing my character.


Affirmation comes after the obedience.


When I obey God, He will accomplish through me
what He has purposed to do.


God wants to reveal Himself
to me
and those
around me.


I will be
blessed when God does a special,
God-sized work through me.


I need to be
very careful
that any testimony
about what
God has done only gives
glory to Him.


"Let him
who boasts boast
in the Lord"

I Corinthians 1:31


I will allow Him to take all the time He needs to shape me for His purposes.   
Rob Patterson
Life Investment Consultant

Click here for a story in the
Galt Herald
Click here for  Lodi News Sentinel
Click here for Journal Archive
click here: Pastors' Vision Trip Page
pastorob addresses Internet porn

                                                  pastorob as
                                                    John the Baptist

Rob Patterson (209-745-4665)
   is the Senior Pastor of
        First Baptist Church
            in Galt, California. 

   In addition to his pastoral ministries,
pastorob is an accomplished musician, having recorded several CDs.  Frequently check our Audio Download page to listen to the latest free offerings by our resident musico-theologian. Following are excerpts from his current journal.

Friday, March 11, y2k5
   Last night, I accompanied our third son, Daniel, to the school farm. This semester he has taken on the student project to raise a sow. He demonstrated his chore of cleaning the pigs' quarters, feeding them, and weighing them. I was impressed by the seriousness with which he approached the tasks. This morning, the video clip of Napoleon Dynamite (2 years later) was  featured on GTV. We had lunch together today; Daniel reported that he was in Spanish class when it aired.

   Jebby and I enjoyed our weekly
VisionWalk today. I told him about the casting call for MTV (Jebby: click here if you wanna see what I sent them). I connected the idea of becoming involved with the nice folks down at MTV and yesterday's Daily Bread. Did you read that?

   It was about those who live 'rabbit-hole' lifestyles
(in contrast to the one modeled by Jesus when he 'invited himself' to the home of Zachaeus). Thinking again about the group of boys gathered around our kitchen table (March 10th entry) reminds me of the importance of the Oikos (see Joe's final paper).

   Tonight, Cathy and I will accompany our church youth group to the Galt High School production of Godspell. I met up with a number of the cast members outside the auditorium last week and told them that we were coming. Aimee Sayre has already seen this production and reports a fine performance by cast and crew. A personal friend of mine, Ryan Perez, plays the Christ.

Thursday, March 10, y2k5
   Yesterday, I officiated at the memorial service for a powerful Christian witness:
Veda Rackley. 

   Here is a photo of Veda's penpal, Ruth Wesley
(in Liberia).

   As well, I invite you to
scroll down to March 4th and learn about this special cross-cultural relationship between an American senior citizen and a Liberian teenager: 

click here to read their last exchange of letters.

   Last night, the girls that hang out at our house skillfully executed their plan to throw a surprise birthday party for Aryelle. So, our home was packed with 13 and 14 year old young people (of various gender--2 to be exact). There was adequate adult supervision but we had to stay attuned to several discussion groups and fellowship options. I had a fun time.

   As I was checking my email
(our computer is in the kitchen) I mentioned to the guys (gathered around the kitchen table) about the possibility that I could be called to audition for a role in an upcoming MTV series. The boys seemed excited as they asked for more details. I told them about MTV shooting later this month in a nearby location (and that they were seeking actors my age to play schoolteachers, security guards, or the Principal).

   Unanimously, the crowd called out,
"The Principal
! You should be the Principal!"

So, MTV talent scout,
       there's your market research...
         a group of skateboard-carrying boys
         think that pastorob
         would be believable as
the Principal.

   Some of you know about Martin Kpau, the student preparing for the University of Liberia. Our son, Joe, sent some funds to help Martin with school expenses. Below is a recent letter from this young man.

Dear Pastor Rob,

I would like to greet you in the  name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. We heard about your trip to South Africa, and I visited
First Baptist's web site and saw some photos of some activities there.                   t      he                      
 I hope mother Cathy and the
 kids are fine.

 The family that visited us
 was very nice. It seems
 that everybody in First
 Baptist is very kind. We
 had a wonderful time with
 Brother Mike and
 Sister Robin. I wish
 and pray that they may pay
 another visit.

From your son in Liberia,

Matthew Kpau

See Mike and Robin in Liberia CLICK HERE

Wednesday, March 9, y2k5
   I won't have much time to write this morning.
I noticed that our editors have been kinda rough on eva's journal the last two days. I'm puzzled. We have the same editors but it doesn't seem like they are near as tough on me. I don't exactly know why? I hope its not simply because I'm black.

    I will probably write more later. There is much to do to get past yesterday's news and on with exciting new developments at some key sites:

    I spoke with Joe; and Jerry; and will have to find time to pass along to their editors some news from my end of the relationships. Also,  Jebby's Elijah documentary, needs to have some video clips and viewer mail, so I'll want to look into the delay there.

   There are some definite differences to serve as a pastor in the 21st century. I'm still learning how.

    I have the privilege of speaking at a memorial service for my good friend, Veda Rackley. I hope you'll decide to come and hear recollections of her life and ministry.

      Today   1:00 PM   653 A Street  
             Galt, California 
CLICK HERE for map

Tuesday, March 8, y2k5
    Tom Lane and I are planning to go on a
VisionWalk today. I want to speak to him about the big controversy stirred up over yesterday's journal entry. It seems to bother some readers that my words aren't always in their dictionaries. I'm sorry.

   I just don't always have a dictionary around me and at age 47, it seems that I ought to be able to design some words of my own.

FLASH....Monday, March 7, y2k5 ... Second Edition:
   We all need to read good news, right? Well, this
Monday Morning Special 2nd Edition is being published to report a newsworthy reaction to the morning's news:

   15 minutes ago, one of our members walked into the Epicenter to drop off a check for $500; then the phone rang--another member is heading down here with an offering for the Greater Love Children's Home.

  I woke up this morning reflecting immediately upon the need to 'update' our website recent focus on
"the Gathering" (since it is now 'yesterday's news).

    One day several years ago, I was riding in a car with some other leaders. Roger Williams shared that his role on God's Team seemed to be that of one who is always 'looking ahead.' While his peers wanted to publicize and glorify recent accomplishments, his oft-repeated adage was:
                      "Our best days are ahead of us."
Since most of us my days are filled with ACTivity,
    I do try to allow time for early-morning R

...and Roger's statement echoes in my mind:
            "Rob, don't forget to focus on P

So, as I PREflect, I offer . . .
  Glory to God who was
   Today, I hope to reflect upon the Glory of Revelation;
     and give thanks
         for Who He has revealed Himself to be
and     for the wonderful works He has done;
  Glory to God who is
   Today, I hope to relate to Him; moment by moment;
                Right here--right now,
                                            in the right place
                                                                at the right time.
  Glory to God who is to come
   Today, I hope to pray-act; pre-act; pro-act.
             I don't wanna react so much
                                         to the day's circumstances.

..Earth to Rob .. . .  .. . OK, I'm back....hey, please take time to read Pastor Wesley's note from March 4.

    He wrote today to tell me that the children had
 only cornmeal to eat yesterday. Will you help?

                      CLICK HERE: w

Sunday, March 6, y2k5 2nd Edition:

   Mike & Robin McCall, and MacDonald Wreh all dressed in African clothes to join Cathy and me after the Gathering. The guys played guitar and sang while the ladies managed to get certain passersby to stop.

    A few chose to go ahead and sponsor one
          of the World Vision kids. A good investment.

I also saw Tami Wood (Veda's granddaughter);
            she told me that we will have

Veda's Memorial Service
Wednesday at 1:00 p.m.  CLICK HERE
First Baptist Church of Galt

Sunday, March 6, y2k5

   Today is the day. When someone drives into the parking lot of our church there will be no cars.
The lights are off; the doors of the church are locked.

        Oh...but something wonderful is happening
                just around the corner...

At Galt High School, in the gymnasium,
            most of the churches in Galt are gathering.
   We have a goal today: to sponsor 650 children in one day through a great organization: World Vision.
   I met with an unchurched couple yesterday. They asked me to help them get married. As we spoke, I told them of our local church's heart for an orphanage in Liberia; I showed them a photograph. They seemed to be interested.
   Then, I invited them to the Gathering
     (something even  'bigger' than our own little church outreach).

The young woman looked at her man and said,
   "I'd like to do that..." (pointing to a sponsor's packet).
I gave her the sample children's packet
               to take home with her.

The young man reminisced;
      his Grandma has sponsored a child back
          when she was still living.

I hope they will come.

I hope you will come too.
Go to
    and find directions for 145 N. Lincoln Way Galt, CA (95632).
    The Gathering will formally begin at 10:00 a.m. but I'm sure
    there are excited people buzzing around as you read this.
If you haven't yet decided to come, read a couple of our news articles: click here
   This is a Day that is being (has been, and will be) written about in the Annals of the Epicenter. Decisions will be made today that will change history for the good. The only bad decision: "No, Lord."   Come on, say: "Yes, LORD"
I woke up thinking that after the Gathering, I'll hang out on the edge, singing and playing my guitar (with Cathy--packets in hand--compelling others to stop and talk...just like the old days).

Saturday, March 5, 2005

     Saturday morning has been spent in talk/prayer with four other significant guys. We keep what's talked about rather private but any man who sincerely desires to see God reveal his plans for us would do well to make this particular prayer meeting a priority. Over the years I have marveled at seeing the full realization of an idea first discussed in that intimate setting. 

   I just spoke to Cathy on the phone. She is in much pain today. It saddens her that she will be unable to 'interpret' for the deaf community and hard-of-hearing tomorrow
(at the big event: The Gathering).

   For nearly two weeks, Cathy has been experiencing the symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome. Simple jobs like washing the dishes, making the bed, and doing the laundry are painful and/or tiring. Her job as an Interpreter at the school did not provide adequate breaks from repetitive hand motions.

   So, this is a trial that we're facing in our family. I need to step up to the plate and start taking over jobs that she normally does at home. Guess its time to read Tom Lane's article on serving again. If you go to his page, scroll down, and spend some time there. Hopefully, our kids will start to voluntarily serve around the house more.

Hmm ... about Service:
there is anyone out there willing to serve the community (or the world) in any way,

      please call me
on my cell phone:
                       pastorob  (209) 323-0727

That's right...that's
my number.
                                Be reasonable, OK?

   Guess what? MacDonald Wreh passed his written test and now has his California Driver's Permit. If you're local and would like to let him practice driving you around, please call his cell phone.

MacDonald Wreh (from Liberia) 209-570-3766

         See our girl? She's kinda shy...

Cecilia is an 8 year old girl from a family with seven children. She is the girl from Lesotho that Cathy and I are sponsoring.

Tomorrow, there will be an opportunity for you to 'sponsor' one of 650 other children in her community.

Cecilia is seen drawing a picture of her mother and father with colored pencils, crayons, and a notebook that I gave to here earlier this month (during our trip to Africa).

Friday, March 4, 2005

     Today marks an important moment in my life history. Before I tell you why, I'll recap a slice-of-life from yesterday afternoon.

Miss Parlee showed up at the office wanting her $10; it was in my car. So, I invited her to ride along with me to visit Veda
(my Internet co-host and dear friend). She had just been released from the hospital the day before. When we got to Veda's home, I immediately showed her the enlarged photo of Ruth Wesley (wearing Veda's watch and Veda's bracelet). Veda exclaimed: "Ohh, she is so gorgeous!"

     'Auntie Veda' had first sent the watch (to Liberia) to Pastor Wesley's daughter, Ruth (then 14) back in March of 2003. Veda had written a note explaining that, years ago (when she was 14), she had hoped for a watch--and that she never had gotten one until she was a grown woman.

     Therefore, she wanted Ruth to have this watch. She wrapped it in a small box, with her handwritten note, and a photo of herself (with her name, Veda Rackley, written on the back). She put a rubber band around the small box and commissioned Pastor Wesley to deliver it to Ruth.

Pastor Wesley said,

  "Oh my...a watch is a very valuable
      item...perhaps it would be better to ..."

Veda politely interrupted him saying,

         "No, it is for

 In February of 2004, I traveled to Liberia and knowing that it would be special for Veda, I photographed Ruth wearing the watch. Ruth took the time to write 'Auntie Veda' a thank-you letter. I photographed her lying on the floor under a small light (powered by the generator).

Veda treasured that note. She told me that she had a special place in her heart for Ruth. She said, "I feel Ruth somehow--right here--in my heart." I wasn't surprised that Veda wanted to send another gift to Ruth (along with Mike and Robin McCall).  

click here
to read her latest note to
Ruth, and to read Ruth's letter thank you note to Veda; I read it aloud to her eager delight at Mercy General last week).

     Today, at 12:55, my dear friend, my webBlog co-host, another sweet mother graduated from the classroom of suffering. She has stepped into eternity.

Well done, Veda.

    Now, I'm gonna go somewhere and cry awhile...catch you later...

Thursday, March 3, 2005

     Well, the time has come for good ol' Joe to finish up his paper and turn it in today, so I read it over again and suggested that he might want to mention one of my beliefs regarding growth in the Kingdom of God.

     During my last year at GGBTS, I watched God grow our small church in Rohnert Park by reaching one household. By reaching one individual in a home, the established relationships of that home are also impacted by the near presence of the Holy Spirit being lived in and through that individual. Through one household member, we eventually baptized 23 'related' people in a six-month period.

      I picked up the term Oikos Evangelism from one of my professors: Dr. Tom Wolfe (during his last year at Church on Brady--now known as Mosaic church). For twenty years he had seen exponential growth of the local church through the Oikos (Greek for 'house'). The family dynamics of eating together, sharing life's joys, and surviving life's tragedies together make one's family-of-origin a natural setting  for seeing the Great Commission fulfilled. Sometime I'll upload the paper I wrote about the subject. It really rings true to me.

     Alright, Joe. We hope this helps you as another source for the finishing touches on your paper. When you finish it, we will upload your final draft. It'd better be good!

     Remember to cite the date correctly; I'm listing it Thursday, even though I'm writing it on Wednesday night. Remember, in Liberia, it is already tomorrow! More on TimeTravel
later. Yeah, I've looked into it too--in cyberspace.
It ain't always 'easy' but it is possible.

     OK, now for something completely different:

     Before our first trip to Estonia (April, 2000), I had corresponded with  the webmaster for a cutting-edge site called:

     Remembering the great numbers of 'hits' his site had way back then, I recently attempted to reconnect with him since we were trying some new ideas with our local church website.

     Back in 2000, David had been pastoring a church about an hour away from the Epicenter. In my email I asked him if he was still in Patterson, California. Here is the kind reply from another
y2k5 - kinda guy

                                               January 11, 2005

     No, I am not in Patterson. I am in Oregon
     (4 years now). I like your web site.

     Excellent job.

     I love the idea of the Gospel according
        to Napoleon Dynamite
.   Do it.

     Keep in touch

     David Bruce

Oh....go ahead, click above. I think you'll be pleasantly surprised!  But, ya gotta come back!

By the way, we '
did it,' David.
                              Thanks for the encouragement! 

Napoleon Dynamite Video

Wednesday, March 2, 2005

D. L. Moody (1837-1899) was a powerful instrument in God's Hand during the 19th century.

     Years ago, I read a biography about
 D. L. Moody. Similar to my reading of
 other significant Christians'
 biographies, I was spurred on to serve
 the Lord wholeheartedly. Moody's
 attitude toward reaching boys for his Sunday School class
(and meeting resistance within the local church) has always encouraged me to do the right thing (no matter what pressures we face).

    Some biographers claim that Moody played an important role in the lives of a million souls who came to a saving knowledge of Christ during his 40-year ministry.

     From my reading, most biographical accounts of Moody's ministry point to a decision he made after hearing this assertion by Henry Varley:

"It remains to be seen what God will do with
  a man who gives himself up wholly to Him."
                                                                     --Henry Varley

Moody's response:
"I will be that man."

Recently, my good friend, Tom Lane, resourced me through the loan of a current book by Hugh Hewitt
a New York Times Best-selling Author and
host of a nationally syndicated radio show).

To start, I did my usual scan of this y
2k5 publication:
Understanding the Information Reformation
                               that's Changing Your World

Yeah, I  found what I was looking for (
on page 189);
          an assertion that, for me,
          is reminiscent of the Varley-Moody exchange:

     The advantage of blogging is that it will oblige you to live in
     the world of ideas and debates, and to do so at the modern
     pace. At present no great blogger has emerged with a
     distinctly evangelical worldview. When one does, with humor
     and insight attached as well, that person (or persons) will
     have an enormous impact on the world.

Speaking on behalf of fbcgalt writers,
deacons, composers, producers, neo-plagiarists, preachers, journalists, filmmakers and bloggers:

"we will be those (persons)..."      
--pastorob, y2k5

Tuesday March 1, 2005  

by pastorob TODAY:

10:00 AM  Royal Oaks Convalescent Center, Galt
11:30 AM 
Featured Speaker at Delta Valley Pastors'
                Luncheon:  Harmony Baptist Church, Stockton

when you least expect it:   Save Mart or Longs, Galt.

     Up at 3:30 AM.......Mary asked me, "What do you do for all those extra hours in a day?"  My answer: 'plenty.'

     Yesterday (and this morning) I dubbed 2  copies of  the videotapes Mike and Robin brought home from Liberia. Oh, I know there are machines available...but for various reasons, we don't always have the technology to 'work smarter' even when we know it exists.

     I dropped one copy off to Jim and Doris Fugate (since they have supported our work in Liberia since the very beginning of our partnership with Pastor Wesley). I really enjoy watching the tapes; I didn't take a video camera with me when I went there a year ago.

     There are some great moments I hope to
     upload as online video clips
I gati :

1)  Mike teaching the kids how to play LIMBO
        with a broomstick (
How low can you go? Lee-mbo.)

2)  Robin using the flannelgraph to enhance the story of
         the Shepherds in the field, the angels in the sky,
         and the baby in a manger.

3)  Pastor Wesley's daughters (Ruth, Priscilla, Abigail,
and Eunice) leading the other children in games
         like '
jump rope'
(the McCalls brought the rope),                   hopscotch (Priscilla, 14, scratched out the grid in     
         the earth with a tile
). Mike blowing bubbles as  
         the kids laugh and wholeheartedly jump to pop 

  Mike strumming the guitar and teaching the kids to
          sing "We Want to see Jesus Lifted High" and
         "I have never seen the Righteous forsaken."

Too much to write about!

    Sunday night, we hosted "The Making of Elijah" the Director's Commentary.  Jebby and friends were out in full force--an unforgettable experience. Cathy and I lingered behind with the families who are going with Jebby to shoot a film in New Zealand. It was an intimate time of reflection and simple, peaceful joy. Well done, everyone. We will post video, slides, and commentary on the Elijah page as we are able. Time is the prime factor here. I am working on the website in my 'spare time'  .....yeah.

    I've been getting feedback on various blog items:
CLICK on the links below to read whatever comes in;
I will try to add more viewer mail as I find time.

The Gospel according to Napoleon Dynamite

pastorob addresses Internet porn:
'a selective thread'

email me:

Monday, February 28, 2005  

     Every day I receive many email messages.
Some are 'junk' letters which first must make it through the spam filter.  Today, there was an unwanted junk letter waiting for me in my INBOX. Although you and I may be quite different -- I am a baptist pastor
, a husband, a father, a man, and a christian (among other 'roles' I am called to fulfill) -- I wonder if you,
O faithful reader
, might be able to identify with me.

     This 'offer' came to me privately--early in the morning. No one else was around. I was tired (... tired from many ministerial foci in recent long days and short nights). I believe the Word says something like this:

 "When faced with temptation, there's always a way out."

     Instead of simply 'deleting' it (as is my custom), I pushed 'forward', addressed my 'forward' to the deacons and pastors who are members of my local church, and to avoid 'stumbling' my brothers,
eliminated the hyperlinks, wrote some random comments, asked a couple questions, signed off and pushed S
END.   Well, read it for yourself:

Monday, February 28, 2005      5:37 AM
 (a foreign name) 
To:  (another foreign name) 
Subject: immature and randy angels are awaiting you!
I own more then 50,000 single teen hard-core pics and near 80 hours of advanced quality video.
     (here was a hyperlink to their website)
    By the 'grace of God', I am one of those 'minority' christian men (according to Promise Keepers statistics) who has never willfully logged in to a Porn Site.  Probably because I've already  'been there, done that'  in  my  life before Christ  (and before there was an Internet). For me, 'porn' was a childhood 'discovery' (I was probably around 8 years old; it was harmful to healthy maturation for a boy). Too bad....but that happened.

     I don't spend much time as an anti-porn activist. However, since my home was 'invaded' by a stranger wanting me to 'enter his dark world' today, I have decided to give an invitation of my own!
     Internet Pornography (even uninvited INBOX letters and pop-up ads) is one of the methods that our Enemy has chosen to employ in his effort to manipulate our generation's technology to cause 'young men' (of all ages) 'who lack judgment'  to stray down the dark streets to the house of the Adulteress (proverbs 7).
    In this case,
photos of TEENAGERS....hmmm.....
I ask you, O devoted reader:
'What is your local church doing with the same tools?        What?!"  
      Most church websites are nothing more than an outdated bulletin...or an unimaginative newsletter like a quickly outdated church directory.... what to do?

Wanna do something about it?
I have ideas.
                        If you're interested, write me:

pastorob addresses Internet porn
                    'a selective thread'

Saturday, February 26, 2005
Click here for Original Vignette by the Epicenter's
own Creative Production Team

Aimee Sayre as Summer
Daniel Patterson
as Napoleon

Tonight, we will debut the original video clip at
the Epicenter as we host for our monthly Youth Rally:
    The Gospel according to Napoleon Dynamite.

  You  all  are  invited:  Click here for more info

This week, Ross Farrow called to ask about
  the Epicenter. I was surprised to see that he chose 
  to open today's 'top story' with my reply:  click here

Saturday, February 26
CLICK HERE to read it

Friday, February 25, 2005

     I've been cleaning and organizing my autobiographical materials in preparation for my upcoming funeral (TBA). I've found some wonderful photographs:

the public baptism of our son, Joe,
when he was four years old in Michigan;  
and  Mary's baptism at fbcgalt (she was 7, I think).

Like Eva, I've never thrown away any of my writing, photography, or there's much to organize!

     This morning, I attended my  Rotary Club  and heard, again, from the Tree Lady: Analisa Stewart. She seems to thoroughly enjoy sharing her life's message with passion!    I love those trees too....
seriously, hugging trees really isn't all that weird.

     I had to excuse myself from the meeting for a short time because Pastor Wesley phoned from Liberia. He wanted us to know that Mike and Robin McCall definitely boarded their plane (and was probably waiting in Ghana for their next long flight over the Atlantic Ocean).

Jebby and I met for our VisionWalk. I shared my zeal for the contemporary parable recently published by Bruce Wilkinson: The Dream Giver. Jebby had just rented a copy of a DVD study of this short story. He hadn't yet watched it, so I read aloud Chapter One for us as we walked.

The Dream Giver has great personal relevance to me, so I'm recommending it to all the members of my local church, my family, and my dream team. It should serve to encourage every reader in their spiritual pilgrimage.

     I ordered an Audio CD copy of
the Dream Giver for St. Gregory Lee of Braytonia.  Greg has certainly matured since his days of leading the rock band:
                                                         Blindman's Bluff
     God has blessed Greg in significant ways:
                  * he has perfect pitch;
                  * he is a phenomenal musician;
                  * he manages his own business;
                  * he has a great sense of humor;

     and     God has given Greg a wonderful wife:

     I'm happy to have been blessed with so many, many precious people like Greg & Sally....and You, O,
     valued member of this reality show's network...

(hey, even my critics are a gift from God).

Thursday, February 24, 2005

     I just had a phone call from Ross Farrow at the Lodi News Sentinel. He's writing another story for this Saturday's paper. We had a long conversation about the situation in Lesotho and our hopes for the upcoming city-wide Worship Service on March 6th.

    Near the end of our conversation the reporter asked me: "uhh...what exactly is the Epicenter?"

I told him the history of my references to fbcgalt as
the Epicenter:

"Actually, Mr. Farrow, through the years when inquiring minds, with puzzled expressions have asked,

   '...Galt?   ....where is that . . . exactly?' "

My answer has been:

    "Galt is at the epicenter of God's activity
                                    in the Twenty-First Century.

     According to pastorobSan Francisco, Reno,
, and Stockton are all
                        on the fringes of the Epicenter: Galt.

     Last night, I had the privilege of serving as Camera Operator for the digital capture of our Youth Group's skit for the big Napoleon Dynamite Youth Rally this Saturday night.

     I was impressed by the script-writing and acting upon the parts of our own homegrown talent. Looks like the rest of the associational youth groups are finally gonna see some gifts and talent from Galt.

     Almost immediately after the final wrap, Jebby called to take me to Sacramento to document the evening's rehearsal for 'the Making of Elijah.'

    The singular word most apropos with which to describe the video capture of the show's band and assembled singers is: "Wow!"  
     If you don't make your way to the Epicenter this coming Sunday night, you'll miss

       THIS SUNDAY NIGHT   (feb. 27th)
6:00 PM    
                 the Epicenter

             Local composer/playwright
starring in
  The Making of  
                 an interactive documentary
What if Mozart had

   lived during the

   days of Reality Shows?

                    The Making of  
                We Support the Arts in everytown, USA


sday, February 23, 2005

     I was happy to receive a short audio clip from our friend, Greg Brayton (who recently hosted two Galtonian teens) in his Michigan Studio. Although it was a strange request, I asked Greg to consider utilizing Jordan Stribley's 'scream' on some project, so he featured Jordan's voice on a StudioTime promo.

CLICK HERE to hear the unedited Jordan audio clip.

It says:   "Hi, I'm Jordan from California...
                      and you're listening to StudioTime."

     Greg also speaks on this longer clip so I'm gonna give you this chance to hear my buddy, Greg.
A musical genius, Greg has played guitar and has been the Producer for nearly every song I've published on our Audio Download page.

     By the way, Greg has been blind since he was 8 months old; he was recently inducted in the
'Musician's Hall of Fame' in our hometown.
Among hundreds of his compositions is
         "God Will See Us Through" ( a favorite at fbcgalt).

Tuesday, February 22, 2005

News from Coldwater, Michigan:

   Jeremiah Patterson
(17) has just published his first online book:

'Ching's Revenge'
is the third installment of a trilogy written by Jerry when he was eight years old and in the third grade.

   Jerry's teacher, at Mt. Tamalpias Elementary School (in Mill Valley, California) was more concerned with encouraging creativity than spelling and grammar. 

Jeremiah Patterson (17) known around the world as the studio drummer on the CD: Liberia 2004 is currently a supporting character in this season's innovative reality show: C.H.S. Follies.
           "I think that I'd like to live in a cardboard box."
 -- Jerry Patterson, 1995

Checking my INBOX, I discovered that
  'Sister Custodian' had written to me:

Pastor Rob:

    'Sister Hospitality' and I were thinking about our hosting of this Saturday night's Youth Rally (and did not know what the plans were). Where do you meet for the program and do we serve food?


Sister Custodian

My reply:

Dear Sisters:

   Brother Grillmaster had agreed to 'oversee' the food about 45 days ago; He wrote me this week wanting more details so I know that he's planning to serve. He has prepared food and drink for the same 'rally' group in years past. As far as time and location:

CLICK HERE The Gospel according to Napoleon Dynamite
   I am thrilled at the possibility of having you both (the Dynamic Duo:  a 'senior' and a '50s-something') involved in some way. Sometimes there are misunderstandings on the part of certain age groups about our 'holistic' efforts to cross generational boundaries.
    It was, again, an eye-opener for me to 'lead' the Youth Group discussion Sunday night. Preparing for our rally, I asked the assembled youth to help me identify the 'social groups' found at Galt's Middle School and High School campuses. I think you'll agree that we didn't have some of these groups when we were teenagers:
    For instance, there are numbers of young people large enough to be taken seriously for all the groups listed below:
   the Burnouts, the Gays, the Lesbians,
   the Bisexuals
, the Gothics, the Skaters,
   the Popular Kids, the Jocks,
   the Nerds
......Gangster kids (identified
   ethnically)....there are also the crossover kids:
   FFA kids, the Cheerleaders
(both withsubcultures)
    Somehow, our 'church kids'  are called to find their way through all this.....that's why I spoke extemporaneously about our church's view of Gay Marriage and Sex before Marriage as part of my 2nd sermon on Sunday (based on seeing a a number of unchurched teens in that service). I wasn't 'provoked' by those issues when I preached on Elijah's ministry in the first service.
    We're hosting a monthly Coffee House starting this coming Friday night. There, we will have an opportunity to start some informal dialogue with some of the kids who are openly identifying themselves as members of the groups listed above. Sister Wisdom calls for us to enlist some mature church members with Jesus' gift of Compassion, Mercy, Grace, (and Prophetic Edge) to help me reach out to the Y Generation. I certainly include you and Sister Hospitality as helpful to me in this ministry of crossing generational and social boundaries.

Monday, February 21, 2005

and I went to visit Veda today; we gave her updates on relational issues in our local church. She was very pleased. We made a call to the Fugates on her behalf so they could speak to each other. We read hardcopy of the McCall's latest letters from Liberia (see homepage). We also sang together and quoted our Scripture memory verses. What a blessing Veda is to our church family.

    Last night a citywide church choir gathered at the Epicenter to begin rehearsal for the March 6th Gathering. As well, the nationwide coverage of our Pastors' Vision Trip to Lesotho (and plan to sponsor 900 children in one day) was supposed to have been broadcast yesterday at 4:40 AM, 7:40 AM, and 10:40 AM  (California time). I listened to the 7:40 slot and didn't hear our story.

   Oh well. I really enjoyed preaching about the Ministry of Elijah in preparation for Jebby's interactive reality show (with studio audience on February 27th 6:00 PM.

Saturday, February 19, 2005

    This morning a group of Epicenterians gathered at Denny's for an informal breakfast. We received a call from Linda (our guest from Florida).

    Linda reported that last night, she and Fred caught a performance by the popular musical group:
Mercy Me. She was quite tired (having been up since 4
AM Florida time).

    As Producer for "Our Most Eligible Bachelor,"
it was my privilege to provide an all-expense paid 'breakfast at Denny's' for this nice young cybercouple. The manager, Manny, and waitresses (Tabi and Lydia) assured us that their dream breakfast would be realized beyond their wildest imagination.

    Since Linda has never before been to California,
Fred has planned to take her to the San Francisco Bay today. There was mention of a possible drive into Muir Woods (or by Stinson Beach) and then across the Golden Gate Bridge.

    I hope that today's Reality Date will find our cute couple walking down Fisherman's Wharf--one of my favorite spots within driving distance of the Epicenter.

    Tomorrow, Fred will do his 'trumpet thang' with
the A Street Band
at the Epicenter
CLICK HERE for map.  Worship Leader, Dan Malloy, has also commissioned Fred to perform "Thine is the Glory" as part of the morning's musical offering.  

(Out of respect for all who will gather, we ask that the Media please refrain from flash photography or pursuit of an interview with either Fred or Linda until after the final prayer.)

    Any interviews with our VirtualCouple will need to take place after the service. Brevity will be of utmost importance since Fred wants to take Linda to Ripon, California in order to introduce her to his mother,
May McKendry
. We mustn't keep Mother waiting.

Friday, February 18, 2005

    Yesterday, I drove from the Epicenter to Mill Valley, California where I'm currently enrolled in a doctoral program (at ggbts).

    I met with the current Director, Dr. Bob Royall, and the Academic Dean, Dr. Rodrick Durst, to discuss the feasibility of continuing studies through their institution.

   I was thrilled to find an email in my INBOX from award-winning Radio Producer, Mike Penny. Mike's situation as an 'eligible bachelor' was discussed in my webBlog of February 15th (scroll down). Mike produces for Y FM a youth-oriented radio station in Johannesburg, South Africa.

       Y FM has an audience of over

1.9 million weekly listeners.

Hi Rob!

   Great to hear from you, amazing this technology thing hey!  All's well
with me and I don't mind at all that you made me sound so fabulous in
your webBlog ! :-) 

   How was you trip home? I thought about you the next day on my short bus
trip back to Johannesburg and hoped your journey back to the US was as
swift and as hassle free - coming sooooo far to do good works should at
least guarantee that, surely! :-)

   Things are busy, busy, busy at Y FM after our conference (everybody is
all on the ball and raring to go ) so I'll write again when the iron has
cooled a little and I have more time to devote to generating something
a bit newsy and interesting for you.

Till then, keep strummin' :-)


    During the evening, I did some writing then called
my son, Joe, at who is a freshman at CBU.

    Around 11:00
PM Michigan time, my father,
Richard T. Patterson
called me to tell me that he had just driven home from the Detroit Airport after having picked up the lead singer of A Skylit Drive (Jordan Stribley). Jordan as 'an artist-in-residence' is being hosted by my son, Jerry, so that he can appear on the web-based Reality Show: CHS Follies

hopes to take Jordan on-location to a local punkrock show, to Greg Brayton's local church (Coldwater UMC), and the trip's Finale would be a day at C.H.S. (from class-to-class) on Tuesday.

We have received news from K-LOVE that our recent interview is being broadcasted again on Sunday, February 19th at 4:40 AM, 7:40 AM, and 10:40 AM. Following is a message from Richard Hunt at K-LOVE:


  Actually our news updates are broadcast over
  the main network, which includes
226 K-LOVE
signals and 68 Air1 signals in something over
30 states.

  We thought
the story of local pastors and
  churches coming together for a common project
  was something people all over needed to know

We thank you for your help…and God bless your

Richard Hunt
  Assistant News Director

  K-LOVE & Air1 Radio Networks

Thursday, February 17, 2005

    Last night, Steve Harrison told me that he heard Tim Stevenson and me on K-LOVE with the story of  
  our trip to Lesotho and
  our hope of sponsoring 900 children
         at a CITY-WIDE Worship Service on March 6th.

  I don't know how many days the story (or spots) will be broadcast but if we tune in today and tomorrow, we'll probably hear some:

                                       FM 91.9
 FM 105.9

before I forget . . . I've been getting some calls:

1)  On Saturday, March 19th   INTERNATIONAL COMMISSION is having one of those "FREE" Dinners....on a docked ferry in Stockton.  Juanita Land called me and asked if I could do my "PianoMan, Lounge Act" as the donors arrive (apparently there is a grand piano in the entrance area).

Current fbc members planning to go on mission trips with them are: Miss Parlee Halfin (to Macedonia) and Aimee Sayre is going on a "Teen-focused" mission trip to Brazil this summer.
2)  The following day, Sunday, March 20th (Palm Sunday),
the Zeller family
will be with us again. Pastor Chris Zeller (the artist formerly known as our Youth Pastor) will be preaching both services that morning. Tara and their eleven (or is it 12, 13?) children will be with us as well.
3)  Denny Scott called and asked if he could come back to the Epicenter during the evening service on March 27th (Easter Sunday night); I was in Michigan recording the Liberia songs last year at this time.  I told Denny that I had heard NUMEROUS reports of how much people loved him and the sharing of his musical gift. So, he will be back. Please think about coming to visit us at the Epicenter on Easter Sunday, 2005.

Wednesday, February 16, 2005

I just returned from a planning session
    for The Gathering
  (a city-wide worship service in March).

Check out the churches that are participating so far:

  Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church
  Galt United Methodist Church
  First Baptist Church of Galt
  Family Life Community Church
  River of Life Celebration Center
  St. Luke's Episcopal Church
  Horizon Community Church
  New Hope Assembly of God
Please plan to join us  
on Sunday, March 6th....
     at the   Galt High School Gymnasium
                         Guest Speaker: Steve Haas
from World Vision

We will have packets for sponsorship of

      900 Children

            from the same Area Development Program in

(Southern Africa)

    If you didn't stop in yesterday,
make sure to scroll down and read my entry.
                         It's quite important to me.

Tuesday, February 15, 2005   

   The last night I was in Johannesburg, I met an award-winning Producer from the largest regional Youth-oriented FM station in South Africa (Y FM).

  let's see if I can go back to that night......'m walking around with my guitar during the breaks. I'm brainstorming; I'm praying; I'm stretching strings in various pentatonic scales...
                  ....up comes
Mike Penny from Y FM ....
... he approaches me and requests that I play  something on the guitar. I choose to sing an old song I've performed hundreds of times:
         "God has Smiled on Me" 

     I learned that song listening to
Linda Plair sing it way back in my first year of fellowship (1982).
I seem to remember that this great song was written by a Presbyterian out here in California. It'd sure be great for one of you viewers to do some research for me. I'd love to meet the author!

Funny--Mike was probably expecting 'blues' rather than "good news." We shared in the matter of giving and receiving 'good news' wrapped in artsy dialogue and informal Q. and A. He learned that our team of pastors were in Africa with World Vision exploring the possibility of making a difference--addressing the pandemic issue of HIV-AIDS and human suffering.

  Mike shared with me how a very popular DJ from
had openly shared that he was dying from AIDS. For eight months, the listeners and staff rallied around this man. Fana "Khabzela" Khaba died on January 14, 2004. Since Y FM already produces Public Service Announcements, I think that perhaps there will be an opportunity to reach the gold miners from Lesotho (the nation we're specifically trying to impact) through radio spots--warning them about HIV-AIDS and to compel them to be tested. Otherwise, there is always the danger of bringing more strains of HIV back to the community we visited in Lesotho.

    Mike and I talked for about 2 hours; he is a fascinating young man (36). Although he may have a close friend (an artist), I believe that he could still be considered 'an eligible bachelor. He's a tall, handsome guy; witty, thoughtful, creative, spiritual (Methodist background); straight hair (kinda tossed aside). He has that British accent--sounds like Hugh Grant.

    Well, I woke up thinking about the female Radio Producer with whom I interviewed yesterday.

                 Scroll down to read more about
Miss L.

   I'd sure love to think that those two single people could have a chance to meet (right here on pastorob's blog....). I know this isn't exactly "Oprah" but I have a hunch God could bless them to, at least, be friends. They are, after all, in the same industry. Besides, I think long-distance relationships can be very healthy!

    Here's a little blurb about Mike's station in South Africa, Y FM:

   The station staffed itself with the freshest, unheard of talent and exploded onto the airwaves using streetspeak combined with an in-your-face attitude that communicated pride in ourselves, our culture and our music. It was a newfound voice that resonated with the young and the young at heart, spoken through an all new personality line-up that belonged to the culture, later known as ‘The Y Generation.’

    Through the years,
YFM has built enduring relationships with New York based Masters At Work, who have released South Africa artists into the US and Europe as part of YFM’s ongoing commitment to South African music and culture.

YFM listenership stands at over
                                          1.9 million weekly listeners.

   MEANWHILE, in California......

Miss L
, 29, is a Single, Christian Professional and she just might be interested in being connected through email with Mike Penny. Maybe I'm way off but I just hate the thought of ELIGIBLE BACHELORS and BACHELORETTES wandering around in their aloneness (especially for the guy--God said that it's not good for a man to be alone).

Miss L
, (my blogname for her) is a Producer herself for a Christian Radio Network in America. She noticed that I have been producing a certain Reality Show at the Epicenter. I told her the story of our Church Drummer (Rodger) hooking up with the Show's Editor, Mellisa.

    As well, she had read, with interest, how this Friday,
Linda Townshend is scheduled to fly in from Florida to meet with our trumpeter, Fred McKendry.
Miss L had already read the story (below...scroll down...or click on Fred above).

    Raised in a Southern Baptist Church, Miss L's father wonders if there are any Baptist churches out here in California. I told her that it has been said that church congregations tend to take on the personality traits of the pastor after several years. I don't know if Dad would really be thrilled about the prospect of his daughter attending church services at the Epicenter because, well.....we often march to the beat of a rock/jazz drummer (i.e. 5/4 time, 9/8 time) while singing tunes indigenous to the heavenly community--not quite your typical Southern Baptist church.

    Yesterday, she interviewed me for upcoming soundbites about our Joint Community World Vision Service (March 6th). To learn more about all that: CLICK HERE

Monday, February 14, 2005  

Cathy has had the day off today. We've been up since 4:00
AM having lots of fun--cleaning, writing, organizing, and rehearsing the wonderful nuances of our ministry together.

    I just updated CHS Follies CLICK HERE with news from Jerry. He's quite excited that his buddy, Jordan, is flying from the Epicenter to Coldwater, Michigan this Thursday. Jordan was the lead singer in two bands with Jerry.

    I'd like to see if Greg Brayton could meet Jordan while he's there. Jordan has a significant vocal gifting: a raw scream that doesn't hinder the pure tones of his melodic timbre. I think Greg would fully appreciate ministering encouragement to this young talent.

    Cathy and I are planning to visit some of our hospitalized and homebound church members today. We love that time spent with each other.

     Tonight, Cathy will continue with her ongoing post-bachelor college classes, and I'm scheduled to speak/sing at a Banquet for Lathrop Baptist Church (at a Perko's in Manteca).

Sunday, February 13, 2005   

   We were privileged to have
and Rhonda Stoppe as our guests at the Epicenter last night. Pastor Steve spoke from 1 Corinthians 13 as the climax of our Valentine's Banquet.

   Today is Cathy's birthday.

   I haven't given her a present yet today. Some earrings and a necklace came home with me as a 'just cuz I love ya' gift. However, this woman is so precious to me that I think I'd better do something more.

   Words of Affirmation--that's my primary love language.

But, Cathy....she once told me,
        "I want it all..."
  (she...not me...)

) Acts of Service; 2) Quality Time;
           3) Special gifts; 4) Physical Touch....
               .... and  5) Words of Affirmation.

So, here I am again; it's her 20th birthday of our married life and her husband is up early wondering how to make it EXTRA we get to go to church today...LOTS of CHURCH today!!! Well, Cathy likes to go to church...we went to church on our first date. Hey, going to church is not a cheap date, believe me.

Saturday, February 12, 2005   

After 12 days in Southern Africa, I'm back at the Epicenter....lots to do to get caught up!
I'll try to share some about that trip in the days ahead.

  This morning Pastor Wesley phoned from Liberia and had me speak, at length, with Robin and Mike McCall.

  Robin reports that they are staying very busy in ministry to the children of the Greater Love Children's Home.

Mike and Robin have decided to fund the drilling of a well on the property. I was just sent $300 from the estate of Villa Smith (one of our seniors who died shortly before I left for South Africa). I will designate this gift to go toward the installation of this enclosed well and pump.

Robin also passed along the gift and note that my cohost, Veda, had sent for the Wesley's oldest daughter, Ruth. If you would like to see something sweet, click here. I thought you might enjoy the precious connection between a teenager and Veda (a senior woman of unknown age).

I asked Mike if he had a word for us.
   His quick response was this passage
(Ecclessiates 11:1) from God's Word:

   "Cast your bread upon the waters,
     for after many days you will find it again."

  I passed along his message in our men's prayer meeting this morning. Tom Lane looked up the reference and read further this point from verse 6:

  "Sow your seed in the morning, and at
    evening let not your hands be idle,
    for you do not know which will succeed,
    whether this or that, or whether both
    will do equally well."

  That reminds me of Joe Patterson's latest update of his internet connection with Lora from Ukraine: click here

  We have chosen to remove the photographs of the children in Liberia since there have been some changes involving placement. As well, to protect the vital interests of these children necessitates the need to limit some of our networking to those willing to connect with us personally. Since it may take awhile to remove irrelevant hyperlinks, please be patient.

  Should anyone decide they want to connect with us regarding practical help for Pastor Wesley or the ministries of our sister church in Liberia, please call me at
                                     (209) 745-4665

Friday, February 11, 2005    VisionTrip Day 13

   Called to Come Home       
     John 3:17

We fly in to Sacramento at 6:12 PM on Delta Flight 655. It will be good to be home!
Click on the song below; enjoy.

Bedtime   by pastorob

This song for voice and piano is a personal testimony written before Mary was born. It was my response to a bedtime request from our firstborn: Joe-Joe (center above). 



Thursday, February 10, 2005    VisionTrip Day 12

Called to Servanthood      
Mark 10:43

     Remember, before this trip to Lesotho, I had not yet been up-close to AIDS; I wrote this journal, in advance, because I chose to immerse myself in the situation.

"Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress . . ."   James 1:27

     By 2010, an estimated 25 million children are projected to lose one or both parents from AIDS. World Vision (founded in 1950) is one channel for ministering to the needs of HIV/AIDS hotspots around the world (Africa, Asia, and Latin America).

    I shared this song earlier in the journey but think its a good one to hear again.

  It's called
Serve: Click here for audio. 

   We'll depart from Johannesburg at 7:40 on Delta Flight 7799 to Atlanta.

Wednesdy, February 9, 2005       VisionTrip Day 11

Called to Endurance and Patience      
Colossians 1:10-12 

     This Pastors' Vision Trip to South Africa could be the firstfruits of a great harvest--if we're all careful to submit to one another out of reverence for Christ. If the Enemy stirs up confusion (and the flesh), then Jesus' prayer for His Church could be 'overruled'. God forbid.

Tuesday, February 8, 2005       VisionTrip Day 10

Called to Action      
Ephesians 2:10 

    Thank you all for supporting the Galt pastors to take this Vision Trip. Talk is cheap...action speaks louder than words.

Some People (don't have voices . . .)

     I was working in a group home in which a deaf, blind, mute lived. She was an older woman who loved to stand next to me when I played the guitar and sang. She would place her one hand on the guitar and the other on my throat. She would look upward and smile. Another resident of that home had to wear a helmet because he sometimes would get excited, start laughing, and . . . fall. My duties included helping him to bathe. One night as I scrubbed his back for him, I looked upon his head--damaged by life's hard knocks. While he joked and laughed, I wondered why I took my own personal pain so seriously.

Monday, February 7, 2005       VisionTrip Day 9

Called to Encouragement

      1 Thessalonians 5:11 

A New Song (audio)      
                           A New Song
I Wanna Be Ready was about my readiness to die anytime--having figured that I could die young--like my mother, Frieda; my step-brother, Gary; and my brother, Richard.

When I started hanging out in white-church circles, I heard about 'the Rapture' and thought "Hmmm...One of these days I know I'm gonna die?--maybe not...I guess I could be 'caught up' in the rapture."  So, years later I borrowed an introduction reminiscent of Ready and wrote this one:  A NEW SONG.

Sunday, February 6, 2005       VisionTrip Day 8

Called to Hearts of Compassion
                                          Colossians 3:12 

     Mike and Robin McCall left for Liberia five days ago. On the day I left for South Africa, the McCalls went with Cathy and me to see a movie about the genocide that took place in Rwanda (in 1994). It was a true story.

     I got teared up when I saw the little children playing the parts of orphans. The McCalls are meeting little children orphaned and abandoned. CLICK HERE to write to them

     Today, I am probably seeing orphans as well. I pray that all of us reading this today will have our hearts softened by the children God chooses for us to meet. How 'bout a song?

I Wanna Be Ready: Click Here

One of the first songs I penned as a new believer in Christ. Crossing the street, I was honked at by a driver who thought I should be paying more attention to passing cars instead of the Book in front of my face. Greg Brayton graces this song with orchestral guitars--some of the finest Brayton guitar parts committed to the public record.

Saturday, February 5, 2005       VisionTrip Day 7

Called to Wisdom
                        Psalm 37:30

Trust in the Lord
                                                      Proverbs 3:5-6
Back in our Trinity Assembly of God days,    
Jerry Knickerbocker
and Anne Birnell invited me for an extended time of prayer. Afterwards, Jerry said, "Let's put this favorite verse to we did...together." Jerry went on to be a pastor in Florida; Anne stepped into eternity.

     Now here I am in Lesotho, Africa with other ministry-minded leaders. I pray that this very special memory verse will be a blessing to you.

Friday, February 4, 2005       VisionTrip Day 6

Called to Reflect God's Kingdom
                        Matthew 24:14

     I didn't get to have the kind of 'goodbye' with my children that I would've liked before leaving for Lesotho. However, this song will serve to remind those I love of my life's message.......consider it afresh:

Consider (audio)   Consider (transcript)

Immediately prior to leaving Michigan for California, I went into Greg Brayton's studio to record one of my pre-Cathy songs. I figured that the original lyrics would serve no eternal purpose so I reflected on our ministry years up to that point and wrote these words. I selected certain timbres we had heard spoken through the years for the voice-over section. I still enjoy hearing this unique compilation of personalities:
John Clark   our pastor at Trinity A/G (84-88)
Ron Sorrell   friend and elder at Praise Baptist
Coach Eby    methodological mentor/evangelist
Roger Bennett visiting evangelist to A and Ω
Ezell Plair
    my pastor COGIC House of Prayer
David Nix     
a seminary student from Australia
Al Dines      
  co-laborer at Trinity and A and Ω
Joseph Plair
  We named our firstborn after him.

Thursday, February 3, 2005       VisionTrip Day 5

Called to Unity
                        Romans 15:5 

   Today we will have a seminar on cultural etiquette and learn the dos and don'ts of our Vision Trip into Lesotho. We will learn of a case study of what other U.S. churches who have connected with World Vision have done to make a difference.

    There is an optional trip to the Apartheid Museum for $20. I think I'll go there, Lord willing. Then, in the evening we will have a seminar/dinner to wrap up our orientation.

Hey, here's a fun little song; I play piano on it. Hope you like it:

I'm Saved (audio)
I'm Saved (transcript)
     Led by the Spirit from an Assembly of God church to a Southern Baptist Church involved much prayer, study, and trust. I had purposed not to move from Trinity Assembly of God to Praise Baptist Church (and Alpha and Omega Ministries) without the blessing of Pastor John Clark (our beloved pastor).

     Pastor Clark asked me to study through the primary doctrinal differences that were evident so I could make an informed decision.

     I guess the words to this piano-playin' song was my way of cooling-down heated discussions about Eternal Security. My pentecostal friends didn't really agree with what I had come to believe, so I wrote a song instead of arguing with those stubborn-yet-sweet spiritual siblings.

   Happy Birthday Joe Patterson!!!

Wednesday, February 2, 2005       VisionTrip Day 4

Called to be light
                       Ephesians 5:8 

    Mike and Robin McCall are leaving Galt for the country of Liberia. I am so happy that they are making this trip.

Today, we're scheduled to learn about HIV AIDS and the impact that this epidemic has made upon the communities and upon the churches. I have been told that 31% of the population of Lesotho has been infected with HIV AIDS.

I've chosen a song for you that still reminds me that we need to be part of the solution...or we are part of the problem.

You Just Gotta Get Down CLICK HERE

This song was started a few years before I gave my life to Christ. I had gone to visit my older brother, Richard. He was suffering from Multiple Sclerosis. I was suffering from facing difficult personal issues. We both were trying to keep an optimistic attitude about life. Real Life (enjoying fellowship with Jesus) would come later, and with revival, the completion of this song.

    This afternoon I will see the marketplace in Johannesburg. In the evening, I'll have an opportunity to have supper at the Carnivore Restaurant (where they serve Zebra, Alligator, and other native game).  

Tuesday, February 1, 2005       VisionTrip Day 3 

Called to right attitudes  Matthew 6:20-21

    Tonight at 7:00 PM we will have a welcome dinner and meet the sixteen other Americans who make up the other two teams. Our team from Galt will go to the country of
Lesotho. Another team is supposed to go to Kipushi, DRC; the other to Sithobela, Swaziland.

    The key word to remember on any mission trip is 'flexibility.' Perhaps this song will help someone remain flexible:

Don't Allow Frustration: Click Here

The thief comes to steal, kill, and to destroy. Accepting patterns of negative mindsets can establish their 'lordship' in our lives. To help establish LIFE-GIVING truth as a pattern in my life, I wrote this short song. This song was written before I was a preacher (as was
I Wanna Be Ready). On Firstfruits, it also features the 3-part guitar harmonies by
Greg Brayton
of Coldwater, Michigan.   

Monday, January 31, 2005       VisionTrip Day 2
Called to Discernment             Romans 12:2

    After spending five hours at the airport in Atlanta, Georgia, our team of pastors will get on Delta 7798 at 10:30 AM (7:30 California time)and fly across the Atlantic Ocean all the way to Johannesburg, South Africa.

    I am compelled to go to that region of Africa as a step of personal obedience to the Lord. I have not yet been up-close to AIDS; I'm writing this journal, in advance because I've chosen to immerse myself in the situation I will find there. There is a song I wrote long ago that I'd like for you to hear.

  It's called
Serve: Click here for audio.

Sunday, January 30, 2005       VisionTrip Day 1

 Called to Discipleship           Luke 4:8

    I'll have to leave the service tonight around 6:50 PM because the van full of Galtonian pastors takes off from that old Bingo Hall we prayed over a few years back. Our prayers became reality before our eyes: that building is now a beautiful church--the temporary home of Horizon Community Church.

    We are flying on
Delta Flight 888 at 10:18 PM. If you think to, pray for a safe take-off and landing. We'll arrive in Atlanta, Georgia at 5:29 AM (Day 2).

Here's a song I wrote during the 1.5 years I took to preach through the Book of John. I remember how much I enjoyed that 143-part sermon series. Notice I don't preach through books much anymore!

This song will preach, however. Whenever God reveals some aspect of His Name, it reveals something about our identity with or without Him.

Jesus is the Bread of Life: I was the hungry one.
Jesus is the Light of the World: I was stumbling.
Jesus is the Gate for the Sheep: I was an outsider.
Jesus is the Good Shepherd: I was a lost lamb.
Jesus is the Resurrection and the Life: I was dead.
Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life: Fatherless.
Jesus is the True Vine: Now, I am connected to Jesus
    and hope to bear good fruit that will last for Eternity.

listen to  I AM: CLICK HERE

Song Background: One day at fbcgalt, a couple of young teens (Rodney Parker and Pete McCarthy II) were practicing some old, familiar chord progressions. They had fixated on a pattern using I, vi, IV, and V chords in the key of G. It was starting to get on my nerves (the aging process taking its toll--even on me).

However, I went home and put these seven I AM sayings of Christ (from the Gospel of John) to that progression which the boys had been playing. I feel sorry that I had forgotten to acknowledge their contribution with mention on the CD. There's never been any royalties to share...yet, we fix our eyes not on what is seen but on what is Unseen.


January 29, 2005

Upon receiving more wise counsel, I have chosen to rewrite my webBlog from two days ago. Perhaps, you will want to go back and read it. Here is a song worth hearing:

Tender Mercies: CLICK HERE for AUDIO

                     and     CLICK HERE for the LYRICS

January 28, 2005 
See Jebby's new reality show:

January 27, 2005
Evening Update:  
On Sunday night, I will get on a plane heading toward Africa.
Before I leave my Father's flock in the hands of our other capable leaders, I want you to hear a slice of 'real life!'

    I was honored to share the gospel over three days time with a 13 year old friend of Mary's.
Aryelle is well known to our Wednesday night Bible Study (because she helps out with the little ones).

    For the last few days, while her Mom has been out-of-town caring for Grandpa, Aryelle has stayed with us. She asked me some very thoughtful questions about the Bible. Some came as we were watching the Director's commentary for the movie "
I realized that Aryelle hadn't yet been taught some of the basic teachings of the New Testament.

    During these days since my focus on her lack of Bible teaching, she has asked many questions. These three days of witnessing have been carefully and prayerfully approached. Last night before she and Mary went to bed, Cathy and I prayed 'a sinner's prayer' with Aryelle. Now, she knows Jesus as her lifelong friend and as her Savior.

You know, sometimes its hard to communicate in the church. When I look out upon a sanctuary full of familiar faces, I feel confident that I can simply trust my loving heart for these familiar souls and share what has been given to me. That's the golden rule: treat others the way you would like to be treated. I try to preach a solid biblical message that involves laughter (and ample opportunity for a penetrating soul-search).

     It seems that an evangelistic message should be a simple teaching from God's Word offered in the Name of Jesus (and presented as Good News for the hearer). Several years ago, I wrote a song that speaks of troubles that come to one who is simply trying to live out an authentic Christian life:

Tender Mercies: CLICK HERE for AUDIO

                     and     CLICK HERE for the LYRICS

    I've been working in our Father's Business a long time. When I was asked my opinion about those who were murmuring publicly against
Eugene Peterson and Rick Warren, it helped me to remember that all who dare to step out and lead will become the focus of 'talk.' Like the song just said:

"People will talk."

    Well, I truthfully defended Rick Warren. I was honest in that day's theological exercise; I wrote something like this:

        "I wouldn't want to be
                  Rick Warren listening to this..."

    Although Dave Hunt (and Mr. McMahon) made some good points, I still thank God that Peterson wrote "The Message" and that
Rick Warren wrote "The Purpose Driven Life."

    Likewise, I have been writing, preaching, singing, and talking about TV shows/movies in ways that seem to make some brothers and sisters uncomfortable. However, there are readers and listeners out there who do understand my methodology; they appreciate my references to ideas which have permeated the popular culture and are being drawn into meaningful, redemptive dialogue.

Well, enough serious talk, here is some...
Great news!
   I called Ms. Cooper at the Embassy of Liberia and she informed me that she sent out the VISAs for Mike and Robin last night by overnight mail. So, they have their tickets, passports, visas, and should fly toward Liberia on Wednesday. We will leave for Lesotho on Sunday night right after church.

Anybody hungry for the Word?

Our own Dr. Clifford Hoff will be preaching in both services at fbc on Sunday morning. I will be playing guitar in the band.

Then, on Sunday night, I will preach old-school as I 'rapidly flip through the pages' of a well-worn Bible....make sure you bring your Bible with you!

p.s. this Sunday will be your last chance
       to kiss
* your pastor goodbye before he
       gets on a big plane and heads to Africa.

* 'the holy kiss' is optional; a holy hug will
      also be received with thanksgiving.
At fbcgalt, we are seeking Authentic Christianity.

January 26, 2005

Evening Update: I visited with Veda this afternoon. Glee, Shirley, Veda, and I sang 'God is Good' and that old country standard by Kitty Wells: 'It's Crying Time Again." Veda said that she hadn't ever heard that song! I used to hear it at my Grandma Blair's house. At Grandma's we watched a weekly TV show called "The Green Valley Jamboree."

  That program was my first exposure to an indigenous American genre: Country/Western Music. I observed the comfort that the songs
(sung by artists like Kitty Wells, Roy Clark,
and Buck Owens)
brought to my grieving, maternal grandmother. Somehow, hanging out with the seniors in my local church brings a similar comfort to me (when I'm find myself missing my grandmothers). Veda (who has never revealed her age...but does admit she's a senior) plans to begin to walk again early next week.
  From there I visited Ruth and Frank Penner (we had a great time of fellowship and laughs). Gotta run now for the Choir get-together (but first will drop Mary and her friend off at the Greene's to babysit for their home Bible Study). 

This morning's report follows: 
4:30-7:20 AM

    I guess I cannot go to ggbts (seminary) today; I have asked others to pray for me to know what I should do about my unfinished doctoral project.

    Yesterday, at the pastors' prayer summit, I was told that Dr. Ron Hornecker is no longer the Director. I didn't know that.  Too much to do be4 leaving for South Africa; uploaded Joe's Journal, Just In from Jerry, and what eva. Please check them out by simply clicking on the pretty colors above.

Pastor Wesley has just called (7:30 AM) to check on the status of Mike and Robin McCall's trip to Liberia. I asked for confirmation of the news I had received that his car was broken down.

    This was factual news. He says it has been very hard to get around. I've been there; I know. He is in the minority as a car owner. A church in New York had provided it for him.
Toyota Camri Station Wagon. I told him that Mike McCall  (a truck driver) also knows about auto repair. Hopefully, he can help get this Camri operating again. Pastor Wesley will send me an email with more details.

January 25, 2005 

I'm up really early this morning with some definite plans to excavate and organize. However, at 8:30 our secretary shows up and reminds me that the pastors of the Delta Valley Association are meeting for a Prayer Summit in Manteca (at 9:00 AM). So, I finish what I can of the task at hand and rush off toward the summit.

I arrive around 9:30 AM and stay in a great place of corporate prayer until 4:30 PM. There is SO much happening that it will take days to ponder and to take the initial action steps.

Now, moving from the present tense to the future (perfect) I shall leave Control Central to pick up our 3rd son (Daniel the Wrestler), and proceed to eat the meal our daughter (and friend) will have prepared. Then, we shall rush to a Tuesday Bargain Movie. On the journey to Lodi, I hope to share a testimony toward a salvific end (with this 13 year old friend of our family). Later.

January 24, 2005 

Update: This morning I read Joe's Journal and learned of a contemporary church he visited yesterday in Southern California. It was interesting to read that
Flipside Church had featured a clip from Brian Dannelly's film (CLICKHERE): Saved! as a point of connection with the popular culture of 21st Century America.

   I'm sure that Joe had no idea that the day before I had uploaded an episode from my life--the one where
pastorob writes a letter to a famous Hollywood director...

   This morning on our Audio Download page, I discovered a flawed hyperlink:

Focus on the Secret Place
iving, Praying and Fasting   CLICK HERE

   Somehow it had been linked to a song  (instead of to the nine-minute audio track that had been edited by Joe).

   While looking for that particular
slice-of-sermonia, I heard the unedited closing minutes of that particular sermon. So, if you want to hear the end of the FOCUS message (complete with altar music),
click here.

    Our oldest son of mine has a great mixture of spiritual gift and abilities: During his first month of college, Joe chose to transcribe the lyrics to songs that he noticed I had uploaded on the Audio page.

    I was pleased because I put much effort into each song (back in those days of creative expenditure). One song, in particular was a 'swan song' for our Michigan Ministry; it used clips from several preachers' messages over Greg's guitars as a long ending.

   We would like to learn what it would take to put this very text in the Windows Media Box. If anyone knows how, please contact me.

CLICK HERE for CONSIDER  (the music track)

CLICK HERE for CONSIDER  (the transcript)

   As God gives me contact with talented technicians, I will excavate my office, locate some choice audio, and publish everything.

DAYS to Lesotho. Last night, the
Pastors' Vision entourage
(and all spouses),
met for dinner and tabletalk. Wonderful!

    I was able to hear brief stories from a number of these 'called' individuals. I've known most of these 'clergy' personalities but traveling with them will be an eye-opener. I am grateful to God (and the movers/shakers) for giving me this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity go on a 'mission' with leaders from other denominations.

   I also, just now, realize that I am the 'senior' in the mix...maybe Mary Sanders (Lutheran) is my age; her kids are older (but I look older). So, it was fun for Cathy and me to hear stories of the ministry couples whose children are still small and low-maintenance. (and growth) is wonderful!

Pastor Tim Stevenson wrote a great article for the Galt Herald as the first in a series. We published it on our website:

January 22, 2005 

I'll be quite busy today; 
I suggest that you click on these hotspots:

 The Gospel According to Napoleon Dynamite

          webBlog ethics  
    CHS Follies
 A Biblical Basis for web-based Reality Shows

January 21, 2005  9 DAY COUNTDOWN till we
                leave for Lesotho, South Africa.

   I've just finished reading the latest from Jerry and Joe, good news from Eva, d.c.tom, and Krazy Al. These are important days for everyone.

   I dropped our son,
Daniel, off at GHS at 6:00 AM. He is going on a Wrestling excursion today. So, I made a quick trip to Control Central before the morning's schedule begins:

7:00-8:00 Rotary 
VisionWalk with Jebby
9:45 (depart for Rio Vista to speak at the
         funeral of a dear friend: Villa Smith).

I didn't have time to watch the Inauguration yesterday so I went online and found the text for President Bush's speech. If you would like to ponder what was on his mind or wanted to contrast the 2 speeches,
click below.
Did you miss President Bush's
                Inaugural Address?


this email came in today from the firefighter:

Pastor Rob

It was a pleasure meeting you, I am just getting back into the fire station very busy day, I will contact you when I get back from Liberia. take care God blesses you

Lars B. Knutsen

   My Friday morning co-host, Veda, has been bed-ridden for weeks now. Today, I stopped by with my guitar; she was sitting up with a smile. With unusual weakness, she still quickly requested a song:

'God is Good All the Time'

   Then, Ruby joined us by starting the first verse of "To God Be the Glory..." We sang all 3 verses of "Great is Thy Faithfulness" and recited the 23rd Psalm together. Then my cell phone rang. It was Cathy; I held the phone up to Veda and Cathy asked her:

      "Are you enjoying time with
my man?'

Veda promptly responded:
             "He may be your man,
                             but he's my preacher!"

I shared some good gossip (about Mike and Robin going to Liberia and about budding romances in the church). Now that's church!

January 20, 2005  10 DAY COUNTDOWN until I get onboard a plane with other Galtonian pastors and fly to Lesotho, South Africa.

   I haven't even given much attention to preparing myself for that trip. World Vision asks that we not 'connect' much with the U.S. while we're there. Their intention is that we would immerse ourselves in the context upon which we enter: communities devastated by AIDS. Our objective would be to emotionally experience that aspect of human suffering.

   Today I awoke at 2:30 AM and thought to myself, "3 hours of sleep isn't really enough."
I was, indeed, wide awake and could have driven to Control Central; there is still much to communicate but I chose the rest instead.

   So, after more sleep, Cathy and I got up and began another devotional reading of the

he Purpose Driven Life   by   Rick Warren.

   With another overseas trip coming up,
we chose to begin a 10-Day study starting at

   Day 29: Accepting Your Assignment

I stopped to ponder this interesting equation
from page 231:

without Expression causes Depression


   Some people who are very close to my heart struggle with Depression. For me depression is cyclical and has usually come after a great amount of 'activity.' When the activity subsides, my thoughts can be consumed by anxieties over what has been overlooked or left undone during the most recent days of passionate busyness.

   I don't know if the aforepublished equation is Rick Warren's original material (
or another's). Whatever the source, I am thankful that he wrote it for us to consider together. Scroll down and look at the smiles on the faces of Mike and Robin. These two are expressing the tug of God upon their hearts by traveling to Liberia to work with the children. Look at those smiles!

  Expressions  of Holy  Impressions  stir up  Elation

   On February 2nd, those two are scheduled to fly into the war torn nation of Liberia (for nearly a month). The U.S. State Department still has a Traveler's Advisory suggesting that Americans not go to Liberia.

However, Pastor Wesley would say:

               "Oh...its perfectly safe here..."

I would qualify that statement:

        "The safest place to be
                    is in the center of God's Will."

JUST IN: Mike and Robin McCall have purchased their tickets for travel from
San Francisco to Monrovia, Liberia on a 3-week mission trip (focused upon children).
Here they are pictured holding the FlannelGraph layout from which the Women's Ministry has cut out hundreds of pieces.

The Flannel Bible Lessons will be carried with the McCalls to Liberia. Bible stories will be taught to the children and older kids will be equipped to teach the younger. This Flannel Technology will remain with the church in Liberia for future ministry.

January 19, 2005  I came in at 4:45 AM because I woke up ready to roll. In our VirtualStudios today, I have as my guest Ms. Mary Chase, single, IMB missionary from Moscow, Russia. She sent me a couple emails with call for response, so here goes:

Rob:    Hi Mary! Its great to have you in our
today. Tell me, what is
the burning question you have for me?

Mary: How did the Vision-Cast go?  I hope
         that my PowerPoint didn't disappoint

Rob:  Vision-Cast 2005 went great!
         Uh...I didn't get around to using your
         PowerPoint of 'Mary in Moscow'. I
         didn't have enough time. We covered
         upcoming events through September,
         2005. Jebby's musical, a pigroast,
         Easter Sunrise Service, VBS Road Trip,
         Spirit West much more...
         we just ran out of time, Mary.

Mary: Well, that's understandable but how
         did you like it? The PowerPoint I sent

Rob:  Actually, I haven't seen it yet.
         Virtually, I can...and I think its
         absolutely wonderful!  Thank you so

Mary: I like the idea of making comments on
         the website from time to time. It's
         great to be connected more personally

Rob:  Friends, I remember meeting Mary way
         back in 1995; we had a seminary class
(to Mary) You asked me if
         you could come and work with Cathy
         and me in our small church:
Snyder Lane Baptist Church (Rohnert Park).
         I was impressed--you wanted to plug
         in someplace that really needed your
         gifts and talents. You chose us. Now
         you're one of
OUR missionaries to
         Moscow, Russia. I notice you still
         haven't married yet. Why?

Mary: I'm holding out for the right guy.

Rob:  You probably notice that we have a
         new season of web-based reality
         shows. Currently I know of two
         romances who have been assisted
         through my pastoral networking of
         eligible (single) Christians. Mary, you
         know me...once 'the match' has been
         made, I'll pull back. I must
         decrease...and then let the tender
         moments of relationship-building
         increase. So, is it alright if I invite
         Christ-centered, attractive guys
         with a passion for mission work to
         write to you? I can imagine that
         Moscow nights in January get kinda
         cold...and kinda lonely.
         I saw Dr. Zhivago when I was a kid.

Mary: You know, maybe this is a good time
           to remind your viewers
that I'm not
         really here. This interview is a feature
         of VirtualStudios
...there was
         nothing in my email that even slightly
         resembled my status as a lonely,
         single Christian looking for love on
         these freezing cold Moscow nights.

         Hey, let's change the subject. Your
         website is very well done.  I've read
         that you're leaving for Lesotho on
         January 30th. When you go to Lesotho
         are you going to see our IMB folks

Rob:  Oh, we have missionaries there?

Mary: Definitely. If you see them, please
         say hi to them from me. Hey, I was
         just thinking today that I need a
         musician with lots of life and fun to
         lead the music at the English camp I
         am organizing this summer.  Guess
         who comes to my mind? 

Rob:   Oh, I don't know. Moscow?
Summer of 2005? Golly, I have to be
          in the States for the Season Finale
of CHS Follies
, the 30 Year Class
          Reunion, our VBS looks
          like it already is gonna be a busy

Mary: Think it over.  It would be so cool to
          have you come and minister here with
          me.  We'll even teach you some
          songs so you can add to your

Rob:   Well, the Lord only knows. Hey, I've
          gotta go Mary. It's now 6:47
          here in California. I wonder what time
          it is in Moscow? I hope you get a
          chance to read this interview today.

Christ-Centered Bachelors who wanna email Mary: CLICK HERE
Mary also needs short term missionaries
for her
                 English Summer Camp in Moscow:  CLICK HERE

January 18, 2005    upDATED at 4:45 PM scroll down

This morning I will meet with my fellow travelers to Lesotho. We are having a conference call at 10 AM. I have  much to do before then. So, I'll get back to this very column later with an update. We leave on January 30th; I'm sure glad I know the whereabouts of my passport because I won't have much time to pack (as busy as I've been lately).

   The conference call was enlightening; there were people from Chicago, Washington, Colorado, (and elsewhere) sharing his pre-trip discussion toward preparing to travel together to Southern Africa. I will share more about the Conference Call tomorrow because
I need to tell you what happened next:

   I had a 1:30 appt. with a member (who chooses to not claim his 15 minutes of fame) to discuss our upcoming series "Keys to Loving Relationships." In order to enjoy an uninterrupted dialogue, we left the studio and walked to the Cafe' Latte (a local favorite of mine). As we were closing in on the end of our appointment, I overheard the three guys at the next table using 'churchy' words (preach, bible, growth, etc.). I went over to them to find out who they were (and to ask what they were doing on my turf).

   They quickly identified one guy as a
'a firefighter'
(an allusion to hellfire, I think), another as a pastor, and the third: an apostle to the nations. As they pointed to the third man, they said, "He's leaving soon for Africa!"

   "Which country?" I asked.

   "Liberia..." he answered.

longstoryshort, the three men came to visit the Epicenter. I gave them a cybertour of this website and sent a link to their email addresses so they could check on us later.

   After giving them each parting gifts (the CD 'to the Ends of the Ends'), we prayed and excitedly said our goodbyes...knowing that God is up to something by connecting us in this way.

   It looks like we've found great prices for tickets from San Francisco to Monrovia, Liberia. I think that Mike and Robin McCall plan to leave for Liberia around
February 1st.

January 17, 2005   I received a call from Jennifer in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. She was seeking information about adoption of one of our precious little ones in Liberia.

It's Monday morning and, in our studio today, we have with us Torby Giles who was in attendance at our Worship service yesterday.

Rob:     Torby, where do you live and what
            church do you attend?

Torby:   Pace, Florida and I am member of
            Wallace Baptist Church. Our church
            is known as a praying (and giving)
            church! That is for sure!

Rob:     Well, why have you attended the
               Epicenter for Sunday services the
               last two weeks?

Torby:  This is the place that we've been
            visiting every time we've come to
            Galt to see my stepmother. I've
            been here 5 or 6 times through the

Rob:     I know you didn't want any notoriety
            for this, but I want to thank you for
            giving that secret handshake
            to Mike McCall yesterday. It thrilled
            Mike and Robin to know that God is
            providing for their passage to
(Our goal is to have Mike and
                  Robin set foot on Liberian soil by Feb. 16th.)

Torby:   Why are they going to Liberia?
Rob:     They plan to intentionally focus
            upon individual ministry to the
            pastor's kids and to each of
            the children living at
Greater Love Children's Home.

            The McCalls' trip to Liberia will be
            the joint effort of many of God's
            willing servants.

Is it difficult to travel to Liberia?

Rob:     Yes, it's hard to find a good
            airfare. Today, I'll do my part to try
            to get airline tickets arranged.

Torby:   How long will they be in Liberia?

Rob:     They plan to stay there for
            one month. This way there will be
            plenty of time for us to 'network'
            and establish worthy goals for our
            future ministry opportunities in
            Liberia. I want all my readers to    
            know that Pastor Richard Wesley
            has my undivided loyalty.

Torby:  Well, I'd better get going back to
            Pace, Florida. To my fellow
            Floridians from St. Petersburg--I
            think that the trumpet player,
Fred McKendry, is a nice guy. I hope 
            you all will accept Pastor Rob's
            invitation to come here and see for

Rob:     Torby, it has been good to have you
            as our guest today. We want 
            you to come back anytime you're in
            the area. This is 'your church home
               away from home.'

                                                 and again: 5:00 PM  editing
January 15, 2005 Me again: 11:55 AM I drove to Stockton to pick up MacDonald Wreh from work. While I was driving I was listening to some songs that I remember were on this album The Early Beatles.

Drivetime + Historical Music=
 Long-term Memory Enhancement

While considering the memories evoked by today's 'extended play' journal entry it occurred to me that I should use the color Purple as my choice of Fonts in today's hyperlinked references to Mrs. Rakestraw (remembering that her nickname had been Purple or Purp).

Then, it hit me--I had transposed the teachers of my youth!
   Mrs. Marchant
  Mrs. Rakestraw
had been my 7th Grade English Teacher.
Purple was the nickname given to the one who had taught 
  Literary Philosophy:
Mrs. Hayes).  Get it? Hendrix?

* Mrs. Rakestraw had been my 9th Grade Biology Teacher

January 15, 2005 Me again: 9:30 AM
 After our prayer meeting and men's breakfast, I edited my midnight journal entry (below) and added some hyperlinks. 
         Assuming some have already read it,
I suggest that you revisit the
               paragraphs below and click away!

If you are anywhere near Lodi...
 Go out and buy a copy

       of today's Lodi News-Sentinel.
           In the Sports Section, on the Religion Page,
           master journalist, Ross Farrow has
           published a feature about our

Pastors' Vision Trip
       (after you come back from buying the newspaper).

January 15, 2005  It just passed midnight; there are still a few 'forward gardeners' at dotcom.tom's house enjoying the afterglow of 2 showings of one wonderful film.

Napoleon Dynamite
has been stirring up my subconscious creative muscle in regard to a reality show upon which I am acting.

My early vocational goals had included being connected with the Entertainment Industry. When I was in 6th grade, the first days of my new friendship with Scott Crabill were spent creating stories as we walked the streets of Coldwater.

Our artistic collaboration involved hours of telling stories with recurrent characters--interweaving the dramatic elements of their mutual circumstances.

Around 1965/66, my oldest sister, Nancy, had created a very interesting audio story on reel-to-reel tape. She had taped certain words and phrases from 45 rpm records and, using only the pause button on a Wollensak recorder, created a sequence of soundbites that made sense. After listening to her pre-pre-hip-hop samples of England Swings, I was hooked. Audio manipulation was fun!

1975, my cousin, Joanne Blair, had moved back to Coldwater after many years away. (We had been playmates when we were both young children and were thrilled to be reunited.)  

In our senior year,
at Coldwater High School, we were now classmates and quickly surrounded ourselves with a most interesting cast of characters--our mutual friends.
I had finished Acting I during that first semester and decided to take Advanced Acting. Joanne, too, enrolled; that particular class was comprised of a very talented group of juniors and seniors. We regularly worked on pantomime with subtext, improvisation, comedy sketches, and dramatic vignettes.

One of the assignments in Miss Coscarelly's  Class was to pair up, choose, and rehearse a one act play (from a pile of published works for 2 characters). Joanne and I chose to work together. However, for totally illegitimate reasons, we were unprepared on the day of our performance. Since many of the plays were from the realm of existential theatre (which we both agreed was 'weird stuff'), we decided that we would improvise and 'pretend' that we were reciting lines from one of the lesser known scripts in the aforementioned pile.

Literary Philosophy with Mrs. Hayes we studied existentialism (No Exit by Sartre and some other 'stuff' by Camus --I don't think that I concentrated much....that class was after lunch!)

However, with a depth of understanding only 12th graders possess, we confidently proceeded to fake our way through the 'recitation' of pseudo-existential dialogue accompanied with well-blocked movement.
Created in realtime that day's drama became an extemporaneous work of existential theatre unmatched by any I have seen in the thirty years since!

Our reality had transcended reality.

The seedbed of ideas which became
CHS Follies
was started during that same semester (exactly 30 years ago). Apparently there is some uncompleted artistic vision because the last two mornings I have awoken to some wonderful possibilities for the next three graduating classes (and their counterparts from the 70's).

In conversation with those in attendance tonight, I shared this observation: most film artists, when given a chance, will find themselves 'telling' a story that allows them to revisit the years of 'their' coming-of-age.
Any ideas coming of age in your mind? CLICK HERE

My Bachelor's Degree
earned at W.M.U. was    
A Student-Planned Curriculum in Audio-Visual Production
It gave me the training necessary to express content through form. I don't really expect many of my readers to understand today's journal entry. It's somewhat specialized in scope, however I'm glad that I took the time to write
(1 hour and 30 minutes). I hope you will come back to this very entry when you have more time. Mrs. Hayes would be pleased to know that you learned something about Camus or Sartre.

Even those in my inner circle have not yet grasped the seriousness with which I plan to approach one particular project:
CHS Follies.
I don't have all the details of the storyline worked out--and for good reason: some of the reality has yet to be realized.

In these days, on this website, I have again found a creative outlet that involves teamwork. What fun. Tonight,
noted Journalist, Eva Moore, just came on as our newest writer. In the upcoming season, she will produce a reality show based on her life.

 what eva will tweak* our sensibilities.
Virtually guaranteed!

                                     *tweak: to pinch sharply and twist

January 14, 2005  Went to Rotary; then shared
a brisk, weekly VisionWalk with Jebby;

, we haven't yet 'registered' 
our weekly VisionWalk with the
  U.S. Dept. of Patents and Trademarks
, (and we may not ...)
so, go ahead...
      walk, dream, talk, pray. Seriously ...
it's OK.
                           You have our blessings.

Finally to
Control Central to edit the upcoming
 Virtual Reality Shows....  
  ...we just added one with Jebby, click here
           ...and another j/k
click here

Please come to the
Napoleon Dynamite
       film party with dotcom.tom --
                            2 shows: 6:30 and 8:30
           Call 323-0727 for more information
                     We Support the Arts in everytown, USA

1.13.05 Late night entry: My friend, Veda, (who has refused to grow old) reported that she was doing better today. Yesterday, we sang Trust and Obey and recited verses together.

Today, we recited the 23rd Psalm and the Lord's Prayer in unison. The sound of our voices blended beautifully. I noticed that her son, Tommy, joined us for the recitation of John 3:16. Veda wants everyone to know that Tommy is taking exceptional care of her. She said that he has never had to take care of anyone before.

January 13, 2005  Last week we sent our son, Jerry (17), to live with my younger brother, Mike. My older sister, Nancy, took Jerry to our alma mater, Coldwater High School to enroll and finish his senior year.

My senior year at Coldwater High School, would have been a great situation for reality television. Unfortunately, we were 30 years ahead of our time. In a survey of seniors conducted by our Student newspaper, The Mirror, the Class of 1975 voted for me in the following categories:

     First Place: Biggest Con Artist
     First Place: Friendliest
     2nd place:  Most Conceited

Upon learning this Pastor Dan Malloy remarked, "Nothing much has changed."

Well, there's a story here somewhere.

There are still teachers at C.H.S. who remember Rob Patterson (and the Class of '75). Thirty years later, our son (the punk rock drummer) makes his entrance in the same hallowed halls.

Perhaps I will attend the 30th REUNION of the Class of '75 this year. During my senior year I shot 2 reels of Super 8 film and entitled it C.H.S. Follies. It was cinema verite' at its best: the real 70's show!

click here for updates on Jerry Patterson

January 12, 2005   
REAL MEN aren't afraid of
I was sitting at Control Central when the phone rang. Linda Townshend was calling from St. Petersburg, Florida to ask about our website and other questions of pastorob. Linda is planning to come to the Epicenter from February 18th - 21st.

I quickly guessed her purpose because months ago I had made a suggestion to Fred McKendry (1st chair Trumpet: Lodi Community Band, faithful member of fbcgalt, and soloist for the A Street Band).

I said, "Fred, you ought to check out a Christian website for singles. If I was single, and desired female companionship that's what I would do. You can have great communication without all the pressure of dating."

Fred met Linda
online at

Last summer, I performed a wedding for a couple who had met through a Christian singles site. They had written back and forth for 1.5 years
(before meeting each other in person). Six months later, they wanted to get married at a nearby Bed and Breakfast close to the Epicenter. So they called on me.

Fred McKendry
is well known at the Epicenter as our most eligible bachelor because as Rodger Parker has quipped:

 "Fred's trumpet bag is the
only baggage he has!"
            (Rodger, our drummer, is also single--a widower).

is the teacher for Discipleship I at the Allendale United Methodist Church in St. Petersburg. Linda's students and friends have been very concerned about her planned trip to fly to California to meet Fred in person. They appear to be somewhat suspicious of Christian CyberRelationships.

I suggest they
all come to the Epicenter and investigate Fred's claims for themselves! As well, if Linda's friends, relatives, and students happen to be single, well, we have several eligible bachelors and bachelorettes waiting upon God for the right person.
                write me for more information.

          CLICK HERE for "Our Most Eligible Bachelor"

Another call came in today--a journalist named Ross Farrow. He writes for the Religion Page at the Lodi News Sentinel. He had called because he was surfing the web, checking out our page and learned of the upcoming Pastors' Vision Trip to Lesotho. Wanting to write a story for this Saturday's paper, Ross interviewed me for about 30 minutes. He asks great questions and always writes interestingly. So, make sure you buy a copy of Saturday's Sentinel.
I'll apologize in advance for anything he quotes me as saying. You know how extraverts are...we don't know what we're thinking until we hear ourselves say it!

Bob Coon wrote a letter to the pastors in Galt, so I've published it on our Epicenter page and the South Africa Vision Trip page.

Another letter comes from Rich Stearns, President of World Vision (US), detailing for coffee drinkers how we can enjoy a hot brew with 100% of the profits going toward Tsunami Relief efforts.

January 11, 2005   
I've been sharing the vision for next month when the Epicenter hosts our Associational Youth Rally.
Our theme will be:
       "The Gospel according to
                                 Napoleon Dynamite."

 I have renewed contact with
 another Christian webmaster,
 David Bruce,
from because our research assistant discovered his site
(500,000,000 hits) while studying the origins of the Napoleon phenomenon. David used to live in Patterson, California. I wrote to tell him that the Youth Band from Patterson FBC are planning to come to visit us at the Epicenter.

I think that our young people will have a fun time as they gain 'skills' on February 26th. We're inviting young people to come dressed as their favorite character at Napoleon's school, home, or in his community.

plans to throw an 'adults only' Napoleon Dynamite Big Screen, Big Sound pre-event Screening at his house for the first 15-20 who show up at his door.
psss...Keep it on the downlow until he announces it formally on his Blog.

    for the right person
              (details below)

January 10, 2005 
(first log-in) It's 5:30 AM on Monday morning. Most pastors choose to use Monday as their day off...I don't. Too much happens on Sunday; I don't want to lose momentum, so here I am.

           "They said, 'No.'...."

Last week, a precious couple from our local church wrote me a most beautiful 'dear rob letter' in which they assured me of their love for me as their pastor, but...  then, they broke up with me.

Like Cathy and me, this couple have been surviving (not quite thriving) as they are dealing with 'parenting' teenagers. I wrote back and told them, "I understand. Thanks for letting me down easy--for sharing love instead of hurting me by focusing on something I said or did or didn't do."

Cathy also wrote them and shared some of our own struggles with raising our kids
(now all 4 teens) in the context of a smaller church. She also asked for permission for us to explain to others why this family had chosen to break up with us.

The couple wrote back and said to tell everyone that they love us but they needed to find a bigger church (with a thriving youth ministry and a successful ministry aimed at college age Christians).

So, I did. In both morning services, I mentioned the family that just decided to leave our church. Faces dropped! Hurt, confusion, and other emotions impacted the muscles on their faces. As I continued to speak, I could sense that these people weren't going to 'do business as usual.'

They told me to tell the couple, "No."

"No?..." I asked.

"No, they can't break up with us."

I felt like George Costanza when he tried to tell his girlfriend:

"It's not's me..."

She said, "No."

So, I'm supposed to let everyone know that there's $15,000 available for the right person to come to the Epicenter and deal with our issues.  CLICK HERE to offer an idea

We can't fix a problem by throwing money at it. That's not what we're going to do. However, a worker is worth his wage.

If you didn't read Saturday's devotional, "What's Worth Keeping" by Haddon Robinson, click here

January 8, 2005 
(first log-in)
It's 6:00 AM and I'm going to have to run from Control Central to the Altar.y2k5 for our weekly men's prayer meeting. I fully expect to see some 'real men' show up this morning!

You see, I've extended an ongoing challenge to 'lose some sleep'
(click there) over the needs of our church family, our community, our state, our nation, and all the nations of our generation.

So....I figure I will be praying with the same old guys...oh's all good
                                                              (romans 8:28)

Hey, last night some of our talent scouts went with me on a trip South of the Epicenter...all the way down to Patterson, California. We had heard of a monthly Coffee House that takes place there. Much to my surprise, the band formerly known as IMPLODE, was playing there. We saw so much talent that we couldn't tear ourselves away until 11:30. Brandon Stoppe from the mainstage gave me a tentative 'yes' to bring the band to the Epicenter for our BIG YOUTH RALLY on Saturday, February 26th. Write me for details.

January 8, 2005 UPDATE... Was I ever wrong! (see below)! I can't believe the great number of men who showed up this morning! Virtually packed (in the truest sense of the words). A man showed up from Walnut Grove; he had been driving near the Epicenter looking at church signs for tomorrow. He felt the vibrations and then saw the 'sign and wonder' of a parking lot full of cars. He walked in! He (Dave) says he will come back to the Epicenter on Sunday at 8:30.

I gave Dave a Liberia CD and a Theology of Suffering and Healing CD as parting gifts.
(click either for a free downloads and more info).

January 8, 2005 and yet another UPDATE...
Today, I've spent several hours in and out of a Lodi gymnasium videotaping our third son, Daniel, wrestling in a high school tournament. I had to leave after his fourth match. He had so far won four out of five scheduled. I told him to go ahead and make it 5 out of 5 (Joe my substitute cameraman will tape the final match). I'll let you know how it turned out tomorrow.

I'm excited about the third message in this month's sermon series:
Navigating the Y2K5
. I hope you will come be a participant tomorrow (8:30 or 11:00); you're also invited to VISION-CAST 2005 at the Epicenter (Sunday night at 6:00--soup supper included--no charge).

January 7, 2005
A highlight this morning: I received a long letter from the principal of a high school in southern California. She has raised (and has sent forth) 2 children, still has 2 at home, and has just independently adopted 2 more children from Liberia. She writes that she will soon travel to Liberia to bring her children home.

During the process of adopting her kids (while helping other families do likewise), she learned about Pastor Wesley and our children's home there. This is appears to be an answer to my prayers for those who live at the Greater Love Children's Home. I appreciate her philosophy of adoption below. I share this excerpt from her letter hoping that you will share my joy today:

"It is my prayer that through adoptions, people's hearts and minds will be opened to Liberia. Also, it is my philosophy that adoption of a child is and should be the last resort for a child. It is better to provide assistance to the child in its home country, HOWEVER, there is such an overwhelming need and there are parents who are interested in adopting.
I have spoken with Pastor Wesley about the adoptions and we are working on getting a fee structure in place and to get a system in place so that children who are eligible to be adopted can be adopted at a minimal cost.
For the 10 families that I assisted, I worked as a volunteer and did not charge. It is my continued wish to volunteer my services for the future adoptions as well. It is the same wish that my friends have also. Some families cannot adopt because it is too expensive, but this route it will be affordable. Also, it will help support the orphanage.
I am also interested in getting a school going and finding sponsorship for the children who are not adoptable."

If you would like to write to this woman, please click here and I will forward your letter to her.

   January 6, 2005  Today I went for a walk in the sunlight (a beautiful window of opportunity--no clouds, no rain). The fresh air and exercise helped me to reflect on challenges of recent days (and those in the near future). Of course, I can't publicly journal about interactions with the great number of people who look to me for some Godly counsel or comfort. Still, I would like you to know that I am hurting alongside some precious people going through very difficult times in their lives. So, if you should think to pray for me, pray that I would be helpful and Christ-like in all of my personal relationships.

Cathy and I believe that we have made a wise decision in sending our son, Jeremiah to finish his senior year in Michigan. He will serve a noble purpose in being of practical help to my brother, Mike. I also expect him to be available to help my Dad in certain ways. Hopefully, he will mature in the Lord as God blesses him through closer interaction with these and other loved ones. Due to midwest snow and ice storms, Jerry's trip had to be delayed but we finally got him on a plane early this morning. While I was writing, he called to tell me that my sister and nephew just picked him up at the Detroit airport. They are currently on the road to Coldwater, Michigan (the small town where I grew up).

Joe, our oldest, is still home on winter break but on Monday morning will leave for Riverside, California. Therefore, Cathy and I will only have two kids at home (16 and 13). Our friend, Greg Brayton, wrote to us that he and his wife, Sally, really haven't suffered much from 'empty nest syndrome.' They have enjoyed some quieter times of sweet fellowship since their kids have moved on.

Many of our you have already gone through this stage of parenting; that's nice. Stand back and watch us go through predictable human emotions as we bump our little birds out of the unusual nest we have called 'home.' We welcome your letters of encouragement and advice.

January 4, 2005  This morning we will have our monthly outreach service at the Royal Oaks Convalescence Center here in Galt. Twenty years ago this monthly outreach was begun by three women in our local church. One of these key women, Veda Rackley, has been in the hospital for several days. I'm happy to report that the angioplasty test she had yesterday showed no signs of blockage.

Another of our members, Villa Smith, is in the last stages of life (in her 90's). Yesterday, Cathy and I had the opportunity to visit with her. She lamented over having to miss church so we took some time to share scripture, and sing a hymn we had sung at church Sunday. It was touching--to the inmost depth of our being.

January 2, 2005
 I don't have much time right now but I found a story about another little church (in North Carolina) used by God to reach out to orphans in Liberia.
Click here to read it: 'the little church that could'
At the conclusion of my second sermon today, I prayed about our making contact with the families from one church who have adopted fifteen children from the same orphanage. This particular church's story is important to us as a sign of God's Work and His Ways--reminding us that His invitation for us to be involved with Liberians is still being extended.
Here's another story about the same little church
Our involvement with Pastor Wesley and his church in Liberia began in December of 2002. I would really like to know that others have read about this church's unique calling that began in 2003. Please read these stories and write me.

January 1, 2005

Just back from San Jose
(where five adults from the Epicenter hung out with thousands of California teenagers).

Our own group consisted of five adults and 18 teenagers. Our Youth Conference, Tsunami 2004, will forever be connected in our thoughts with the tragedy of the Indian Ocean tsunamis. We took up an offering of $8,000 on our first night to contribute to victims in that part of our world. It may take me the day to assess and journal some of my post-conference thoughts so check back later today.

I was happy to see this email from Pastor Wesley in Liberia (sent on Dec. 30th):

Dear Pastor Rob,
Thank you for the recent gift from your church. My family, the church, and I will be praying with you as leave for South Africa on a mission trip. May the Lord bless the trip that it will yield fruits hundred-fold. How long will the trip be?

Well, the wonders of Internet...we will still be in touch while you are away via internet. Thank God for all the help that First Baptist Church continues to render to the Lord's work here in Liberia. My regards to the your family.
In His grace,
Pastor Richard Wesley Sr.

I spoke with my brother, Mike, last night. We confirmed the plan to have my son, Jerry,
(above: far right 2nd row) fly to Michigan to live with him. A few years ago, Mike's sweet wife, Marian, died after a long bout with Scleraderma. Mike has not remarried so Jerry is about to experience life in a household with two other bachelors: Uncle Mike and Cousin Mike. This is going to change our entire family stay tuned for further developments.

to Y2K5:   Today we leave for Tsunami, our state Youth Conference. It is ironic that we've received news that recent tsunamis have resulted in over 50,000 deaths. I have yet to see a map of which parts of Indonesia were impacted. I went on a short-term mission to Samarang (and outlying areas on Java) back in 1995.

We watched the news last night and saw some random video of the tsunami flooding in Thailand. Joe had just been in Thailand last summer. I saw the difference that a personal connection with a people group makes by watching Joe view that telecast.

One of my hopes for our new year is that we will be able to improve health and education for the children living at the Greater Love Children's Home in Liberia. I haven't heard from Pastor Wesley in a couple weeks. Its very hard for him to get internet access right now.

I won't be updating this blog until New Year's Eve, so I hope you will take the time to explore more of the pathways that intersect on this website.


to Y2K5:   Cathy and I are at the Epicenter on this cloud-covered Monday morning. We plan to work together here all day, so if anyone wants to drop by and share VISION, please do....and we're taking call-ins at 209-745-4665.

On Wednesday, 20 teens and 5 adults are going to travel to San Jose for Tsunami--our annual Youth Conference. It was at that convention, last year, that God gave me a burden to head for Liberia within a month. Perhaps he will similarly burden some of these 25 Galtonians as they set apart time for Him to speak to their hearts this week.

to Y2K5:   It is Christmas morning. I awoke around 3:00 AM and, after awhile decided to drive down to the empty building we sometimes call 'the church.' Last night, this place was a warm, candle-lit table set by the Lord. I tasted what He had prepared and experienced afresh His tender mercies.

John and Tammy Dettman were in the congregation (
with Cody and Ellen). I savor each face that surround me in the House of the Lord. Christmas eve services allows for me to meet new people and to blessed by seeing some who I haven't seen in awhile.

John Faull shared a brief message from James 1:18; Andy Herrera gave a testimony; Fred blew his trumpet, Christene and Ronda sang, Uncle Aaron had a sweet guitar solo. Daniel and Tom Santillan spread the light of the Christ candle so the flame could be shared by every precious soul as we sang "Silent Night, Holy Night" together. We are blessed to have fellowship with each other.

Patterson Family memories were made which I shall treasure and ponder in my heart all my life:

  hearing Cathy's flute brought up in the mix;
  feeling Jeremiah's rhythm as he drove
  his double bass pedal; connecting with Joe as
  he started O Holy Night on the piano; watching
  a little girl crawl up next to our daughter, Mary,
  on the front pew; permitting Daniel to go on
  with his friend's family to, yet another, late-night
  candlelight service.

As I write I am listening to Jebby's
pre-production recording of his newest musical, Elijah. It's great to be part of a local church who God uses to spur Jebby on to more 'good works.'

is definitely gonna be good!

to Y2K5:   Yesterday, I had an 'exit interview' with Polly Kimball (since she has sold her home and is moving). This Sunday, she will have her last 'mini-mission study' at fbcgalt. Then, in the evening service, I plan to show a portion of the International Mission Video and share a special time with Polly. Finally, on January 2, we will have an informal going-away party at the end of Sunday School.

Last night, we had 18 adults at the Greene's Home Fellowship. One aspect of Christmas time is the opportunity for us to be a 'home away from home' for sojourners. Yvette's Mom, Celpa, and younger brother
, Aaron, had been in church Sunday and were back again for mid-week Bible Study.

Joyce's sister, Judy, was also visiting with us. We're all looking forward to the Candlelight Service tomorrow night. I've assembled a music team which will feature  two of my sons (Jerry on drums and Joe on piano). Aaron Dixon will be our guest guitarist--playing along with a number of other gifted musicians. We practiced today and it is sounding good! (I get to play Bass!)

to Y2K5:   The day started early as it so often does. We're currently working on a newsletter from our missionary in Moscow. Today, I'll finalize the program for our Christmas Eve Candlelight Service (Friday at 7PM). I received an email from World Vision regarding our upcoming trip to Lethoto, South Africa. I have posted his letter on the Pastors' Vision Trip page.

I helped Joe update his journal and see that Al & Cathy Warren are now online.

It could take days to visit all of the pages on our website. That is purposive on the part of our editors. So, please check back regularly, and click away on the pretty, blue hyperlinks!

to Y2K5:   "Home for the Holidays" was well attended last night. I was pleased to have a talk with our 2000 Poster Child, Domingo Garcia. He is all grown up now and well into his career as a Prison Guard. Mingo was the first person to be baptized in the Y2K. Unfortunately, he works every weekend and has missed Sunday services for most of 2004. I introduced him to the host and hostess of one of our Wednesday night Home groups. The Y2K5 might see an expansion of ministry in reaching out toward people like Mingo who won't be easily discipled by a Sunday-only church family.

Yesterday afternoon, Cathy, Joe, and I visited a big church in Lodi for an afternoon showing of a Christmas Story written and produced by Sherry Souza
(a local author and playwright). This morning I have reflected upon some of the dialogue and believe that the  implications of her story are worthy of further meditation. After reading a recent newspaper article about Sherry, I corresponded with her and informed her of my interest in promoting the arts in our greater community. Her husband, Rick, is a church-builder. He was
traveling all across Africa back in 2002
(at the same time Pastor Wesley had come from Africa to Galt). I suspect that God will develop an ongoing relationship with the Souza family as we network around the shared interests of local creativity and global mission.

to Y2K5:   I hope you will come to church this morning (at 8:30 or 11:00 AM). It's the Fourth Sunday of Advent. Come, light a candle in remembrance and intercession for one you love. Tonight is the final presentation of Home for the Holidays (at 7PM).
Saturday's performance was top-notch. MacDonald Wreh was introduced and given a number of Christmas gifts from various individuals. Then, he went to work until 3:00 AM this morning. I'll be looking forward to reading his next journal entry. By the way, Daniel won 3 out of 5 wrestling matches on Saturday.

to Y2K5:   At 6:00 AM I dropped Daniel off for another all-day wrestling tournament. From there I met with the men who pray at the Epicenter. Then we went to Denny's for Breakfast in the midst of our community.

Home for the Holidays: our Christmas Musical/Drama will be performed for the first of two shows: TONIGHT at 7 PM.                  
                                             CLICK ABOVE for more information

Often it seems as though I need to be in more than one place at any given time.
I'm happy that my only role in tonight's program is to sing in the tenor section. I have been reflecting all week at the great gifts that God has invested in Pastor Dan Malloy (our Minister of Music). For months he has been networking and organizing talented people to create this
multi-media experience

  the Epicenter.

Last night, at the dress rehearsal, there were some wonderful 'bloopers' and outtakes--nervous signs of anticipation for this unrepeatable, one-time event. One time tonight....and a different one-time tomorrow night.

I have a special hope for packing the place. I was part of a team who sang and handed out free tickets at Galt's Flea Market (1,000 invitations). I hope some of those invitations will be rediscovered today--resulting in a number of first-time visitors to
the Epicenter.

15 to Y2K5:   Last night, our webmaster shared more stats with me and I discovered that we had been visited by people in
Portugal; and   New Zealand. So, we have added their flags to our roster and delight, again, in the opportunity to live as 21st Century Christians. The phrase "the Ends of the Earth" is woven into God's Word throughout the Old and New Testament.

It's a fact: anyone could type a few unrelated words into a search engine and, by chance, click on www.someunknownlink and get to see the names and faces of our precious boys and girls in Liberia. CLICK ABOVE and see for yourself....afresh!

Pastor Wesley (the Liberian pastor who somehow found me on the internet) called in a rushed moment mid-week. He could really use some practical help--right now. So, please take some time to read (or reread) the materials we have compiled for you and write him a note. Any assistance to him, his family, the church, or the Children's Home is well-invested.

 I try very hard to maintain 'a good name'. I have chosen to connect my name with his.
          CLICK HERE to read about him
  CLICK HERE to write to Pastor Richard Wesley

Veda just stopped in to "give me the skinny" on a certain home visit we had planned. She also said, "Whew...its cold as a wedge out there!"  I have no idea what these phrases mean or the etymology of the words involved. Perhaps one of our readers will enlighten me.

16 to Y2K5: Very busy days for everyone. I've journaled by replying to various emails but since those replies are of a personal nature (and since I've already 'downloaded' those journal-able moments), we have a couple day gap here.

Today's my 20th year anniversary of marriage to Cathy. We've been 'celebrating' all month: the all-expenses-paid Dinner with Randy (at Denny's), the cleaning-of-the-kitchen, the lighting of the Yule Log, the singing-with-the-tape for our upcoming musical. Folks, it has been an exciting 16 Days of Anniversary!

I don't know what will happen next....but I sense a BIG SURPRISE coming. Cathy put a pot roast in the Crock Pot this morning; an hour later, I pushed the 'reset' button on the electrical outlet so the Crock Pot would light up. I think that was a smart move!

I spoke with my younger brother, Mike, last night (he lives in Michigan). He has been having seizures and the doctor informed him that he was reporting him to the DMV, so his license is revoked until he can prove six months without a seizure. We discussed the option of having my son, Jerry (17), go to live with Mike to serve as his driver and completing his senior year there.

The musical/drama, Home for the Holidays, is being rehearsed nightly for the two showings (Saturday and Sunday); I hope you will tell others about this and try to come out to the Epicenter for this event. Several people have told me they have prayed intently for God to impact each attender's heart. This prayer report excites me!

While you're praying--please pray that our upcoming opportunity to serve alongside hundreds of other Christians in Galt will progress without hindrance or unnecessary conflict. The Pastors' Vision Trip to South Africa could be the firstfruits of a great harvest--if we're all careful to submit to one another out of reverence for Christ. If the Enemy stirs up confusion (and the flesh), then Jesus' prayer for His Church could be 'overruled'. God forbid.

18 to Y2K5: I started the morning by going to the Galt Flea Market with several others Epicenterians--to promote our Christmas Musical/Drama. My deacon friend, Jim, and I met for a long discussion and prayer.  An eventful session at the Dentist's then preceded my important meeting with other Galt pastors (and a reporter from the Herald).
CLICK HERE to read today's thoughts spurred on by that particular meeting. Check back because I'll probably write more later tonight.

19 to Y2K5: Last night, at the Epicenter, we watched a video sent to Galt pastors by World Vision. For ten days in February, Y2K5, eight local leaders (from different church backgrounds) will travel from our town to southern Africa for a Pastors' Vision Trip. During our ten days in Lesotho, Swaziland, South Africa, (or other nearby countries), we will visit sites where World Vision has addressed the needs of AIDS victims.
CLICK HERE for special VISION page

I am compelled to go to that region of Africa as a step of personal obedience to the Lord. I have not yet been up-close to AIDS but do believe this truth from God's Word:

"Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress . . ."   James 1:27

By 2010, an estimated 25 million children are projected to lose one or both parents from AIDS. World Vision (founded in 1950) is one channel for ministering to the needs of HIV/AIDS hotspots around the world (Africa, Asia, and Latin America).

Throughout my relationship with my wife, Cathy, I have learned that generosity and compassion are her most distinct attributes. Early on, I would try to offer counsel that she not 'give' so much to others. Funny... as I'd share the logical thoughts from my head, my heart would begin to be touched by the purity of hers.

Last February, when I came home from Liberia, I learned that Cathy had sponsored a little, Indonesian girl named Hany
(this time through World Vision). We had already been providing sponsorship for a little, Tanzanian girl named Dorah (through Compassion International). Having just been confronted with all the needs I saw in Liberia (and knowing how 'stretched' we were already financially), I wasn't thrilled with the idea of another 'monthly' financial commitment. No, I wouldn't have chosen that obligation for myself...but I've yielded to Cathy's compassionate gesture and have made room in my heart for Hany as well.

Regarding AIDS, I wouldn't choose (for myself) to move from the statistics about suffering toward those who are actually suffering. I know that move will cost me! I'm asking you (the reader) to draw closer with me (and the other leaders from Galt) and help us be faithful to God in our generation.

21 to Y2K5: Our son, Joe, sent an email yesterday saying that he had received a 'care package' from the folks at FBC. He asked me to thank all those who have written and remembered him. Remember to check our CBU page for current news about him and to link over to his journal. He will sojourn home to the Epicenter on Dec. 17 and will stay here over winter break.

We received data from a counter that has been on our site since its restart on Oct. 1st. I hope to upload the flags from the nations represented by visitors since that date. I am reminded of the potential for serendipitous visits whenever anyone types words into a search engine.

Readers from all over the world are patiently waiting for part 3 of my current petproject. Hopefully, my sister will soon write me with her recollection of the facts behind the true story: Fluffy, Come Home (40 years in the making).

David spoke to all the men gathered for breakfast (after our men's prayer meeting this morning). He shared about the diversity of gifting and personality among our group. Roy and Josh made the breakfast, Dan shared his heart about our upcoming dramatic elements of our upcoming musical.

A brighter projector was given to the Epicenter for the enhancement of video and graphics during public gatherings. After breakfast, dotcom.tom and I tested it with all the lights on. Looks good to my eyes (and his--after his recent Lasik surgery). So far, this morning I have spent time in prayer, fellowship, listening, and the investment of abilities--all in cooperation with the same from other men in our local church. This is what true Christianity looks like. Simple. Faithful. Expectant.

22 to Y2K5: Veda and I went around visiting people today. One stop was to the home of a widow (who had just lost her husband on Tuesday). He had suffered with Alzheimer's Disease. About six months ago, Walter had asked Joyce to see if she could arrange for me to speak at his graveside when that day would come. I just finished delivering a message at the Galt Cemetery (within sight of the Redwood Trees we recently planted). Walter had been a Korean War and Vietnam War era veteran. The VFW Honor Guard also helped his friends and family find closure.

Tomorrow, I will speak at the funeral of another man--grandfather to a little girl who attends our church. He has been her primary caregiver. I've asked for the child to sing a song. The family is unchurched--other than their connection to me through this girl's attendance at our Sunday School and Vacation Bible School through the years. I asked her to light the Advent Candle last Sunday (before the unexpected death of her guardian/grandpa). I suppose we may soon lose our opportunity to influence her life.

Often my days are interspersed with hospital visits, funerals, and meetings with people about whom I choose not to write. The last couple days have been very hurried. I hope to find some rest sometime tonight. If you are one who prays, remember me, OK?

24 to Y2K5: Another rainy day at the Epicenter. However, I'm 'feeling' sunnyside up! My good friend, dotcom.tom is having LASIK surgery today. He has a WebBlog and I plan to click above and see, for myself, his latest entry. Tom and I just said "Amen" together (on the phone) regarding a number of issues pertaining to our local church and those who are impacted by the ripples emanating from our studios in Galt, California.

and now back by popular demand:

"Fluffy, Come Home"
(part 2)

Dad drove us out to the countryside (Hillsdale, Michigan) to Uncle Tom's house. It was hard for me (a little boy) to hold onto Fluffy in the backseat. He was a huge cat and didn't like being in the car.

There had always been several cats who lived out at Uncle Tom's; they ate the scraps left by anyone who would share sustenance with them. We knew that Fluffy would survive out there but still hoped that he would eventually take the long journey home to Coldwater.

It wasn't too long before our stepmother announced that we were going to have 'a new cat'. We were introduced to this purebred Siamese Cat with a strange name: Tai-Ling. Even though I liked the idea of having another cat, Tai-Ling was not very friendly. One day our stepmother arranged for Tai-Ling to have kittens. After watching this Siamese mother grow larger and larger, finally, two kittens were born.

Check back for further installments of

                                     "Fluffy, Come Home"

to Y2K5: I awoke at 3:30 this morning. Lying in my bed I thought over recent days' stimuli until I heard a distant sound of distress from outdoors. I have tried to train myself to attend to nighttime sounds (as I was once a teenager who sneaked around in the darkness of night). I got up, went to the window and focused my attention on the sound. Discerning that it was a poor, cold dog several houses away, I went back to bed. There wasn't much I could do for that creature but stopped to consider its plight as it continued to moan aloud--it was raining! I wondered where (inside our warm house) our little dog, Capo, had spent the night.

A couple nights ago, I also awoke to a memory from childhood:

"Fluffy, Come Home" (part 1)

Our mother had died, my father was now remarried, and though our new mom hadn't proven herself to be 'wicked,' she was, after all, a stepmother.

For some reason we blamed it all on our stepmother. You see, the children had adopted a stray animal--a big, gray cat. We called him "Fluffy." After a season of having Fluffy around, Dad had us go for a drive with Fluffy--way out in the country to Uncle Tom's house (maybe 15 miles away). I sat in the backseat holding Fluffy and allowing Fluffy to look out the rear window (sharing the hope with my little brother that Fluffy--like Lassie--would find his way home).

Well, time's up--I've got to get back home to wake up those willing to have 'morning devotions.' Remind me (click here) to finish this story later.

We have an outreach ministry this morning at Royal Oaks Convalescent Home (10:00 AM). Hope to see you there.

26 to Y2K5: Last night we were readying to leave the Epicenter for our dwelling place when a young friend called. Christina reported that her dog was starting to deliver puppies and wanted our daughter, Mary (13), to know that this long-awaited occasion had arrived. We decided (along with Christina's mom) to let Mary go over and spend the night to watch these puppies being born.

It was reported this morning that delivery was long and arduous but six pups were born and all have survived. Cathy and I agreed that this will serve as an important chapter in Mary's life education. Over the years we have been disappointed about certain inferior aspects of public education in our town. However, by God's rippling grace, our children have benefited greatly from a well-rounded exposure to life-teaching outside the classroom. Our four children have always attended Worship services, Sunday School, and Children's Church. Each one has also been involved in the work of the church--VBS, mission trips, hosting special events and meeting special guests through the years. I hope to, one day, be as concerned for the education of every child in my sphere of influence. 

Yesterday, in the second service, I mentioned that, for me, the Advent season always preaches a pro-life message (when one considers the expectant hope of Zacharias and Elizabeth). I also referenced Luke 1:39-45 when two expectant mothers met and shared the mutual joy of carrying special lives in their wombs. The thief comes to steal, to kill, and to destroy; as for me and my house, we're going to try to be alert and not let the thief steal any of the JOY that Jesus would have 'leap within us' during Advent 2004.

27 to Y2K5: Sunday's come and is nearly gone! It's been a great day in the House of the Lord. Cathy and I are heading home at 9:00 PM. I'll write more tomorrow. If, today, God has spoken to your heart about anything you'd like to share, write me.

to Y2K5: Today, I'm resetting my time to our Homepage Hour Glass. The 40 Days of Focus carried over into 60-some days. It's time to look ahead to the new season.

This webBlog has helped me look at my bio-rhythm. Perhaps, I'm only good for about a 63 Day high (I don't know...) but I started to crash on the way home from Riverside this week; I was too exhausted to go to mid-week bible study, too worn-out to attend Rotary Friday morning, not even excited about updating this webpage (that confession hurts--it really does). Maybe it had to do with completion of several events:
Thanksgiving Festivities, Joe home and back,
Jury duty finished,
and Stonehill over.  
However, today, I have my normal level of energy, so I guess I'm rested (and ready for the Second Light of Advent).

This day started with an extended time of prayer--in the company of like believers--petitioning God and acknowledging that His Ways are higher than our ways. Confidence comes with prayer. God is in control (and He reveals Himself to those who diligently seek Him). Our Saturday morning prayer meeting has had unbroken continuity for several years. When I listen to others in our local church praying, I hear the breath of God returning to Him. Its wonderful.

I excused myself from prayer at 7:30
AM, so I could drive Cathy and Whitney to Sutter Creek to watch our son, Daniel, compete in a wrestling tournament. He won a scrimmage match in Lodi mid-week, but today was his first tournament. We were able to stay for two rounds. He won the first round (and placed second in his second match).

Having not been involved sports as a child or teen, I have continually been amazed at how the Lord gives us new experiences through our children. A couple weeks ago, Daniel was demonstrating some of his recently-acquired skills on his dear old Dad. OUCH! My rib must have fractured...or something...because it really hurt. Finally, last night, I had a sign that I would outlive that particular pain. I rolled over on my side at bedtime and realized that it didn't hurt anymore. I'm sure we could spiritualize the whole event but ever since Randy Stonehill admitted that certain songs have a single meaning...well, I'm just gonna be a literalist for awhile (at least for the next five minutes). Hope to see you in church Sunday (if you're local); if not, hope to hear from you...CLICK HERE.

Day 64: When Cathy and I took Joe back to college (Califonia Baptist University), I wanted to take a photo of him next to this sculpture (it revolves and appears to float upon bubbling water). While eating lunch we met a student from Ghana (I think he said his name was Sadu); he said that Joe was a good tennis player, but that he, himself, was the best. Joe explained that this particular student was at CBU on a soccer scholarship. Although its hard for Joe to transition into adulthood, I'm glad that CBU is his home away from home. If you would like to check in with him, CLICK HERE. He is currently writing a daily journal.

A couple days ago, Mike and Robin McCall took me to visit a friend who was on his deathbed. We sang some songs and prayed the scriptures. Yesterday, I received the news that this man had passed away. We were humbled that we had not missed the opportunity to minister in this way.


Yesterday, I also received the news that a member of our church has come through Cancer treatment (and is in remission). In all of this, I give thanks.

Day 62:
Joe had accompanied me to court on Monday afternoon. After we had waited for an hour, the jury was seated and then told by the Judge that the case had been settled. We were thanked by the Judge. He paraphrased Anthony Kennedy speaking about civil strife in other nations. Without an effective way to settle grievances, people sometimes take matters into their own hands. I was glad to be dismissed because it meant that Cathy and I could drive Joe back to college. When I find another timeslot to get online, I will write an explanation of thought and action stirred up by my being called to serve in a Superior Court trial.

Joe showed us around the campus of California Baptist University where he has started work toward his Bachelor's Degree. He has been tutoring math students. Here is a photo outside the center where he works. It has been hard for Joe to make the adjustment of being away from home for such a long period of time. While he was home, a couple people took time to share with him their experiences of 'separation anxiety.' If you would like to write him a note, just


Day 60: Cathy and I had planned to take Joe back to college (after the Stonehill concert). When I learned that my opportunity to serve as a juror would possibly carry on until this Wednesday, we had to keep our options open.

So, last night after the concert, I took Cathy out for our 'anniversary' (coming up on December 16th) point waiting...and possibly allowing the grand event (20 year observance) to be minimized. I thought long and hard before deciding upon the perfect date.

I surprised her by taking her out for an 'all-expenses-paid' dinner at Denny's! We sat at the table with Randy, his Northern California agent, Kathy; a couple from Oroville (Wanda & Philip), and our sweet friend, Jebby. Cathy and I split an 'Ultimate Omelot.' We were served by a waitress named Megan (who had served MacDonald and us on the celebrative day that he had landed the job at Denny's).

I have yet to reflect much upon last night's concert. I was a blessed. We shared a Feb. 1964 experience with the folks visiting the Epicenter
(I showed some acts from a certain Ed Sullivan show). Then, I was so pleased with the performance given by our own, home-grown talent: Katey Santillan. What a voice...and only 11 years old!

God had called a significant group together to share that special evening. I was happy to know that three members of the Rock Band, A Skylit Drive, were being exposed to high art in the church.

We also had 3 Denny's employees in the audience who were experiencing Stonehill for the first time (and he sang "Christmas at Denny's"). He also performed a new song about doing what it takes to listen to the Spirit. I do believe that my dear Friend (the Spirit) will lay it on Randy's heart to deliver a 'quiet copy' of the demo to Jebby (who will then 'burn' a quiet copy for Cathy and a 20 year anniversary gift....oh yeah, and I'll burn one for Wanda & Philip)...but promise not to sell any from the trunk of my car!

I think it was especially nice of Randy to tell the crowd that "Baby Hates Clowns" should be taken literally (not some have been known to interpret lyrics...). I've sometimes wondered if the Apostle Paul will comment on the public ministry of certain gifted preachers (when he sits around the table with them at that heavenly Denny's): "What were you talking about?!"

Day 58:
I've been reading over the papers I wrote during the first couple years of doctoral studies. Delaying the process of writing a final project prospectus has caused some inner struggle for me. However, the elapsed time since I wrote many of these papers has brought wisdom with which to interpret what God was revealing to me.


I'm happy about that. On Day 59 (Sunday), we anticipate watching 2 young people get baptized at the Epicenter. They are joining in the membership of our sister Filipino congregation (from Stockton). It will also be the first Sunday of Advent. I have been praying that Randy Stonehill will minister among us in the power of the Holy Spirit that evening.

Click here for a story in the Galt Herald
Click here for one in the Lodi News Sentinel
Click here for Journal Archives
click here for Pastors' Vision Trip to South Africa


         Wednesday, March 9, 2005

CLICK HERE for the latest story
'the Gathering'


   The latest article
  in the

Galt pastors team up to
 sponsor African children

By Ross Farrow
News-Sentinel Staff Writer

Saturday, February 26, 2005

CLICK HERE to read it

Since the restart of our website (Oct. 2004) 
       we have had visitors from
45 nations:
  New Zealand
Cayman Islands;
Czech Republic;
United Arab Emirates;
United States;
the United Kingdom;
Hong Kong; 
South Africa

  Trinidad & Tobago
Cocos Islands.

If you desire to add your nation's flag,  
click here

December 22, 2004

Seven pastors head for Africa
CLICK HERE to read the article


Currently we are revising our portraits of Children in Liberia

Please know that

we are still


involved in


lives of

these little ones.

                                    Jennefaith Ben

What do these stones mean?

plugged in
 and find out!


      Jerry in Michigan
                 CLICK HERE to email Jerry

      -- we'll double your 15 minutes of fame!

  Jeremiah Patterson, 17,
  moved from Galt to Coldwater,
  Michigan and has enrolled at
  Coldwater High School.
(pastorob's alma mater 1973-75)

  Jerry's dad, Rob Patterson, had hoped  
  that his peers would have voted him to
  be "Most Likely to Succeed." Instead,
this is how the numbers corrupted his
  self-image and changed everything:

  First Place: Biggest Con Artist
  First Place: Friendliest
  2nd place:  Most Conceited

 Thirty years later, Rob Patterson is the Pastor of First Baptist Church in Galt, California. This season, his son (the punk rock drummer) makes his entrance down the same hallowed halls Dad had walked during the days of his troubled youth.

Reality rules. Don't wait for Spiderman III

  With a 30 year reunion being planned by those most likely to succeed, the plot thickens.
Stay tuned to discover the hidden
      treasures of a lost generation.


    C.H.S. follies
  meets the 

    We'll double your 15 minutes of fame!
           Want to appear on CHS Follies? CLICK HERE

Pre-Production  for  CHS Follies y2k5
     is still in process...keep checking...

 just in.... from Jerry

Saturday, January 15, 2005

Hey Dad and Family,

I'm at Aunt Nancy's right now. We went to the Renaissance thing last night. It was very interesting. Everyone walked around all types of booths for about an hour. All the choir students were dressed up in costume and acted out what type of drama would have been going on at that time.

There was a kid playing a Jester, and he was just so dramatic. I don't think we have any kids like him in Galt; He was loud. As far as booths there was Palm-reading, tattoo, food, and hats. There were stocks in the middle of the room where guards would put people that had disobeyed. Lauren got put in the stocks, because she was charged with "dressing Badly". It was quite funny.

After all of that we went into the auditorium and watched a 30 minute acapella choir performance. That was quite good (besides lack of drums). Their choir had a lot to it. I enjoyed the evening.

So how is everything in Galt? I am getting excited because I start school on Tuesday. I needed two more shots (tetnus and hepatitis) but I don't get those for a week.

I'm getting along real well with Uncle Mike and Mikey. I'm getting into the flow of things. I don't like the water here though.
I think I'm gonna get a big pack of bottled water for myself. I talked to Greg last night at the Renaissance thing and we talked about church. I'm gonna see him there 2morrow.

Well I hope you do good on the Napoleon skit, and everything is well there.



AND....    this unedited email

Hey mom,

I dont know whats up with my grades, last i checked i had a B in english, so im thinkin it was maybe im missing a final draft of some paper.Floriculture makes me mad, cuz i was up there in the grades, and i had turned in all of my work. U should check on that one. She had me down for a C on my project, but i showed her that it wasnt late n she said shed correct it(im guessing she didnt) Everything is goin good here with the snow n all that. I was thinkin bout findin a job, but i dont know as of now. I wouldnt have much time to work, and the minimum wage here is a lot lower than in california, so it would just seem like a waste of time. So far me n uncle mike are gettin along good, and Mikey is bein really nice.Well i g2g.



    C.H.S. follies

Thursday, January 13, 2005

Weather Report for Coldwater, Michigan
Snow early in the evening...then mostly cloudy with chance of snow showers in the late evening and overnight. Much colder. Additional snow accumulation up to 3 inches...bringing total snow accumulations between 3 and 5 inches. Lows around 14. Northwest winds 10 to 20 mph

January 12, 2005

editors note: Jerry's report card from his last semester at Galt High School arrived today.

Over the phone, Jerry expresses concern:

  "What's up with that?"

 -- referring to certain second semester
       grades and Final Averages:  
+ 2nd = Total  
Final Average should be  Total divided by 2

Galt High School            1st   2nd    Final

Foods and Nutrition       A                A
English 12                        B+   D-      D
Construction Tech          A      B       A
Economics                       C+             C+

Weight Training              A       A       A
Landscaping/Flori         A       C       C

Yesterday was a snow day at Coldwater High School, so everyone had the day off. I don't officially start until next Tuesday anyway but I enjoyed having my first Snowball Fight in years.

                  CLICK HERE to email Jerry

       C.H.S. follies

Downloadable Summaries:

Rick Warren for Dummies

Peter Drucker (age 93) and Rick Warren

The Complete Idiot's Guide
to Henry Blackaby

The Complete Idiot’s Guide to
17 Indisputable Laws of Teamwork

21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership
for Dummies

Who reads the Fine Print anyway?
A Confessing Dummy (and Complete Idiot), Pastor Rob Patterson personally accepts all responsibility for the
pre-meditated, willful copyright infringement of ideas previously published by Blackaby, Warren, Drucker and Maxwell. Perhaps, if you would purchase legal copies of the books, tapes, sermon outlines, and video teachings published by these spiritual leaders, they will understand my intent to spread the gospel from this site and refrain from taking legal action against me.