Text Box: Past,   Present,    Possibility
Was    Is     and what you might see
Will you go?  Will you come?
When you池e all alone
The feelings come then they go
Day to day
Walk alone
Time to say
Some sweet day
On the cross
Tools for talk
Compassion Jesus cares for you
Joshua le
Talk alone   speak the Word
In the know    
the prophet tell you what you need to know
Any body who seeks
Far into the future
twenty years  thirty years  forty years  

Text Box: If you would like to hear Greg Brayton play a 2 acoustic guitar arrangement 
of God Calling while you read this proverb,  
CLICK HERE You may need to adjust the volume, 
then minimize the media player as you read Proverbs.  or if you'd like to hear the same piece with Bass and Drums added: Click hereWrite the words  that  tell your loved ones what they値l need to hear in the coming years     
Sing the songs that speak of   truths    you値l want to hum along as they are seeking
You値l want to tell them all about the golden rule tell them in a song
Walking on the east of the Atlantic while the sun set on Liberia, I remember long ago
Walking on the streets of San Francisco as the sun sets on America, I hear God calling too

Text Box: seventy  eighty if they have the strength
and a generation comes and goes
since that time       Frozen time      Present time    In the time
For the time   Find the time
Build the school  and  teach the children